[CESG] CESG - MOIMS Resolution Nr 1 after Fall 2014 CCSDS meeting - Completion of RAC WG and deletion of GB Project in CWE
Nestor.Peccia at esa.int
Nestor.Peccia at esa.int
Thu Nov 20 15:00:13 UTC 2014
CESG Chair
The following resolution has been approved by MOIMS AD.
MOIMS-RAC WG-R-2014-11-01, Resolution recommending the
The MOIMS Area,
CONSIDERING that the current CCSDS Digital Repository Audit and
Certification Working Group (MOIMS-RAC) has completed the tasks on its
charter of producing two Magenta Book
CCSDS 652.0-M-1 Audit and Certification of Trustworthy Digital
Repositories. MB. Issue 1. September 2011. and ISO 16363:2012
CCSDS 652.1-M-2 Requirements for Bodies Providing Audit and Certification
of Candidate Trustworthy Digital Repositories. Magenta Book. Issue 2.
March 2014, and ISO 16919:2014
CONSIDERING that the planned Green Book "Examples of best practice for
auditors" requires further experience on the application of the standards
and is best done outside CCSDS
RECOMMENDS that the CCSDS Digital Repository Audit and Certification
Working Group (MOIMS-RAC) be formally closed and that it's working
materials be moved to "Work Completed" status in the CWE.
RECOMMENDS that the current GB Project "Examples of best practice for
auditors" be formally deleted from the CWE
RECOMMENDS that the CCSDS Engineering Steering Group Chair initiates the
required CESG poll for its approval
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