[CESG] AW: SIS Area: Goals / Project Checks needed in the WGs

osvaldo.peinado at dlr.de osvaldo.peinado at dlr.de
Sun Nov 9 11:45:26 UTC 2014

See the answer of the Voice WG

Von: Grubbs, Rodney P. (MSFC-EO50) [mailto:rodney.grubbs at nasa.gov]
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 5. November 2014 16:05
An: <Nestor.Peccia at esa.int>
Cc: Keith Scott; Dai Stanton; Peinado, Osvaldo Luis; Burleigh, Scott C (JPL-312B)[Jet Propulsion Laboratory]; cesg at mailman.ccsds.org; cmc at mailman.ccsds.org
Betreff: Re: SIS Area: Goals / Project Checks needed in the WGs

Response to MIA questions below next to **
Rodney Grubbs
NASA Imagery Experts Program Manager
256-603-3270 (cellular, text message capable)
Follow me on Twitter @rod4dtv

On Nov 2, 2014, at 12:42 PM, <Nestor.Peccia at esa.int<mailto:Nestor.Peccia at esa.int>>

Dear all,

As the CESG and CMC will review the current Strategic Plan during our planned joint meeting at London, it is recommended to

  *   check the Area goals and update if needed (http://cwe.ccsds.org/fm/sp/default.aspx)
  *   check the links wrt published books and update if needed (http://cwe.ccsds.org/fm/sp/default.aspx)
  *   cross check the schedule of our current books under production and update if needed
  *   include the future work as CWE Projects with a start date (realistic please) in the future

ADs have edit permission to the CWE Strategic Plan (http://cwe.ccsds.org/fm/sp/default.aspx), and they shall check (co-ordinating with the related WG Chair) and update
in particular


  1.  Digital Motion Imagery Applications  BB        Is Schedule realistic ? If not, include new estimated completion date ?
**  Have been discussing this with Keith for some time now.  We have a plan that will get us to completion on time.

No more standards foreseen after 2015                Goals achieved ? WG to be disbanded ? or Schedule to be adapted ?

**  We have a joint meeting with DTN planned for next week to discuss whether to proceed with a bundle streaming service, with video being the killer app.  If the decision is to move forward with that under the DTV WG vs. the MIA WG, then the MIA WG will likely disband.  Bottom line is we'll have schedule and forward plan all sorted out by end of next week.


  1.  BP Network Management  BB                Is Schedule realistic ? If not, include new estimated completion date ?

  1.  Bundle Protocol BB                                Is Schedule realistic ? If not, include new estimated completion date ?

  1.  Bundle Security Protocol BB                        Include realistic start date (resources?)

  1.  Contact Graph Routing (CGR) BB                Include realistic start date (resources?)

  1.  Licklider Transmission Protocol BB                Is Schedule realistic ? If not, include new estimated completion date ?

  1.  Single-Agency NW Management Req GB        Is Schedule realistic ? If not, include new estimated completion date ?
 No more standards foreseen after 2017                Goals achieved ? WG to be disbanded ? or Schedule to be adapted ?

Voice WG

  1.  Voice and Audio Communications  BB        Is Schedule realistic ? If not, include new estimated completion date (resources?)?
If nothing dramatically changes in London, yes it is realistic
 No more standards foreseen after 2016                Goals achieved ? WG to be disbanded ? or Schedule to be adapted ?
That need to be discussed with the group if we want to adapt the standard for the new coming technologies, if not it will be disbanded end of 2015.

CFDP Update WG

  1.  CFDP Update BB                                Is Schedule realistic ? If not, include new estimated completion date (resources?)?

  1.  CFDP Update Implementer's Guide GB        Is Schedule realistic ? If not, include new estimated completion date (resources?)?

  1.  CFDP Update Interoperability Test Plan  GB        Is Schedule realistic ? If not, include new estimated completion date (resources?)?

  1.  CFDP Update Introduction and Overview  GBIs Schedule realistic ? If not, include new estimated completion date (resources?)?
 No more standards foreseen after 2016                Goals achieved ? WG to be disbanded ? or Schedule to be adapted ?

Future Work

  1.  SSI Streaming Service BB                        Include Project in CWE with realistic Start date. Resources ?

  1.  FW for SSI Cross Support and Admin GB        Include Project in CWE with realistic Start date. Resources ?

  1.  Erasure Code for LTP BB                        Include Project in CWE with realistic Start date. Resources ?


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