[CESG] RE: CSS Area: Goals / Project Checks needed in the WGs

Barkley, Erik J (3970) erik.j.barkley at jpl.nasa.gov
Sun Nov 2 18:57:56 UTC 2014


A question and a couple of comments:

Is there a vehicle for capturing what different agencies would like to see?  For example, I am aware that NASA foresees the need for a SC-CSTS service.  (The counter part to the MD-CSTS service).   Along those same lines I believe there has been some interest expressed in getting forward and return file services (application of GFT, per IOAG service catalog one) started.   If the answer for recording this is to update the CSS area strategic goals I will do that.

Re GFT there is a draft project definition in the framework and this will be discussed at the CSS meetings in London.

Re unframed telemetry, my understanding is that the consensus is to go with the US ANSI extension to SLE if this is needed rather than invest CCSDS resources in developing this via the CSTS framework.

Best regards,


From: Nestor.Peccia at esa.int [mailto:Nestor.Peccia at esa.int]
Sent: Sunday, November 02, 2014 10:42 AM
To: Barkley, Erik J (3970); Margherita.di.Giulio at esa.int; Colin.Haddow at esa.int; Shames, Peter M (312B)
Cc: cesg at mailman.ccsds.org; cmc at mailman.ccsds.org
Subject: CSS Area: Goals / Project Checks needed in the WGs

Dear all,

As the CESG and CMC will review the current Strategic Plan during our planned joint meeting at London, it is recommended to

  *   check the Area goals and update if needed (http://cwe.ccsds.org/fm/sp/default.aspx)
  *   check the links wrt published books and update if needed (http://cwe.ccsds.org/fm/sp/default.aspx)
  *   cross check the schedule of our current books under production and update if needed
  *   include the future work as CWE Projects with a start date (realistic please) in the future

ADs have edit permission to the CWE Strategic Plan (http://cwe.ccsds.org/fm/sp/default.aspx), and they shall check (co-ordinating with the related WG Chair) and update
in particular


  1.  Simple Schedule Format Specification  BB                                Is Schedule realistic ? If not, include new estimated completion date ?

  1.  Planning Data Formats  BB                                                Is Schedule realistic ? If not, include new estimated completion date ?

  1.  Service Accounting  BB                                                 Include start date (realistic date, resources?)

  1.  Service Agreement and Configuration Profile Data Formats  BB        Include start date (realistic date, resources?)

  1.  Event Sequence Data Format BB                                        Include start date (realistic date, resources?)

  1.  Service Catalog  BB                                                 Include start date (realistic date, resources?)

  1.  Service Request and Service Package Data Formats  BB                Include start date (realistic date, resources?)

  1.  Trajectory Prediction Data Format  BB                                Include start date (realistic date, resources?)

  1.  Management Service (Automation) BB                                Include start date (realistic date, resources?)

  1.  File Transfer, Ground Segment                                          Include start date (realistic date, resources?)


  1.  Specification Framework   BB                        Is Schedule realistic ? If not, include new estimated completion date ?

  1.  Specification Framework GB                        Is Schedule realistic ? If not, include new estimated completion date ?

  1.  Guidelines for Specification MB                          Is Schedule realistic ? If not, include new estimated completion date ?

  1.  Monitored Data - BB                                Is Schedule realistic ? If not, include new estimated completion date ?

  1.  SLE API for RAF Service MB                        Is Schedule realistic ? If not, include new estimated completion date ?

  1.  SLE API for RCF MB                                  Is Schedule realistic ? If not, include new estimated completion date ?

  1.  SLE API for ROCF MB                                 Is Schedule realistic ? If not, include new estimated completion date ?

  1.  SLE API Forward CLTU Service MB                        Is Schedule realistic ? If not, include new estimated completion date ?

  1.  SLE API for the Forward SP MB                          Is Schedule realistic ? If not, include new estimated completion date ?

  1.  SLE API -Core Spec MB                                  Is Schedule realistic ? If not, include new estimated completion date ?

  1.  Tracking Data  BB                                         Is Schedule realistic ? If not, include new estimated completion date ?


  1.  SCCS Architecture Req Doc MB                 Is Schedule realistic ? If not, include new estimated completion date (resources?)?
  No more books to be produced after 2015                Goals achieved ? WG to be disbanded ?

Future Work

  1.  Generic File Transfer Normative Profile BB        Include CWE Project with realistic start date

  1.  CSTS Forward Synchronous Encoded FrameInclude CWE Project with realistic start date

  1.  Return Unframed TM                        Include CWE Project with realistic start date


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