[CESG] Can we put a quick discussion of the SSI Architecture Document on the agenda for the telecon?

Chris.Taylor at esa.int Chris.Taylor at esa.int
Thu Oct 10 03:20:03 EDT 2013

Peter, l I have no problem with the rearrangement of the slides as I assume
it is only a small change,  but I find the term "space communications service
providers" a little confusing. I guess this refers to the ground services,
which is fine but ignores the changes required in the space segment? I do
think that the most important way forward is to provide standard DTN services
in the ground segment as only then will the space segment developers follow.
It is unrealistic to think that missions will be willing to incur the
cost/risk of both flight and ground segment updates.

For the flight segment we need stable CCSDS specs and then a period of R&D to
develop the required hardware support as it is unrealistic to think we can
run the DTN protocols in software at the required speed.


From:	"Shames, Peter M (312G)" <peter.m.shames at jpl.nasa.gov>
To:	"Scott, Keith L." <kscott at mitre.org>, "Nestor Peccia
            (nestor.peccia at esa.int)" <nestor.peccia at esa.int>,
Cc:	"Burleigh, Scott C \(312G\)" <scott.c.burleigh at jpl.nasa.gov>,
            "John.j.rush at nasa.gov" <John.j.rush at nasa.gov>, "CCSDS Engineering
            Steering	Group - CESG Exec	\(cesg at mailman.ccsds.org\)"
            <cesg at mailman.ccsds.org>
Date:	10/10/2013 01:54
Subject:	Re: [CESG] Can we put a quick discussion of the SSI Architecture
            Document on the agenda for the telecon?
Sent by:	cesg-bounces at mailman.ccsds.org

Dear colleagues,

I realized after discussing this further that exactly what the issues are,
and what I was proposing as a re-organization of the stages, might not have
been sufficiently clear.  In the attached revision of the PPT I have provided
three pages:
   1.	The orginal high level description of the stages from the IOP–3 report
   2.	An annotated version of the orginal stages showing what was implied by
      some of the figures in terms of required functionality in the ground
      stations, along with references to the relevant figures
   3.	My revised version of the stages  showing the shifted allocation of
      functionality (and figures), and making explicit just what is required
      to be developed and deployed in each stage

The motivation for this, as I noted before, is to make explicit that there
are significant changes in the space communications service providers that
are required, both in the SSI / networking layer and in the link layer
services, requiring development and integration of new functionality.    This
topic was entirely overlooked in the original document, but it is crucial for
understanding the viability of some of the original stage 1 configurations.

If Keith & Scott are OK with this, I think we can use just these three pages
as a reference for the CESG discussion.

Regards, Peter

From: <Shames>, Peter Shames <peter.m.shames at jpl.nasa.gov>
Date: Monday, October 7, 2013 11:56 AM
To: Keith Scott <kscott at mitre.org>, Nestor Peccia <Nestor.Peccia at esa.int>
Cc: Scott Burleigh <Scott.C.Burleigh at jpl.nasa.gov>, John Rush <
john.j.rush at nasa.gov>, CCSDS Engineering Steering Group - CESG Exec <
cesg at mailman.ccsds.org>
Subject: Re: [CESG] Can we put a quick discussion of the SSI Architecture
Document on the agenda for the telecon?

      Just for clarification.  My proposal is to acknowledge that that there
      are significant changes and developments required in both the SSI /
      networking layer and in the link layer services and their integrations
      into the space communications service providers.   What is required is
      a period for defining and deploying new CSTS forward frame protocols
      and also new networking protocols,.  This approach also recognizes
      that transitioning from missions doing their own thing using existing
      space link services, to missions getting updated space link and
      internetworking services from the service providers is a more
      significant, and more natural, boundary between Stage 1 and Stage 2
      than just changes in SSI (network layer) protocol automation.

      Regards, Peter

      From: <Scott>, Keith Scott <kscott at mitre.org>
      Date: Monday, October 7, 2013 11:37 AM
      To: Nestor Peccia <Nestor.Peccia at esa.int>
      Cc: Scott Burleigh <Scott.C.Burleigh at jpl.nasa.gov>, John Rush <
      john.j.rush at nasa.gov>, CCSDS Engineering Steering Group - CESG Exec <
      cesg at mailman.ccsds.org>
      Subject: [CESG] Can we put a quick discussion of the SSI Architecture
      Document on the agenda for the telecon?


            SIS and SEA are trying to resolve the RIDS against the SSI
            architecture document from the SEA area.  Peter’s proposal is to
            redefine the ‘stages’ of the SSI architecture document around
            ‘degree of change to existing networks’ rather than the current
            ‘degree of automation / cross-support’.  Resolving the RIDs would
            result in (I believe) significant changes in the document with
            respect to what was sent to and approved by SISG / IOP.  I’m
            concerned that large changes to the document at this point could
            be disruptive.

            Attached are the SEA RIDs and a document from Peter describing
            his proposed changes.

            I’d like to discuss with the CESG what our options are for moving

                  1)    Go with Peter’s proposal (change the document)
                  2)    Reject Peter’s RIDs and publish the document as-is
                  3)    Consult with the SISG to determine their opinion
                  4)    Other?

               Best Regards,


            Dr. Keith Scott
            Office: +1.703.983.6547
            Principal Engineer, E535
            kscott at mitre.org
            The MITRE Corporation
            M/S H300
            7515 Colshire Drive
            McLean, VA 22102

            Area Director,CCSDSSpace Internetworking Services

            MITRE self-signs its own certificates.  Information about the
            MITRE PKI Certificate Chain is available from

                [attachment "IOP-3 SISG proposal comparison - 9Oct13.pptx"
               deleted by Chris Taylor/estec/ESA]
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