[CESG] CESG resolution: Deprecation of CCSDS A01-.2-Y-4.1 CCSDS Operating Plan for Standards Development to historical status

Nestor.Peccia at esa.int Nestor.Peccia at esa.int
Tue Jul 2 10:57:02 EDT 2013

The following resolution has been approved by the CESG. 


CESG-R-2013-01-001, Resolution recommending the deprecation  of CCSDS 
A01-.2-Y-4.1 CCSDS Operating Plan for Standards Development  to historical 

The CCSDS Engineering Steering Group: 

CONSIDERING that  CCSDS A01-.2-Y-4.1 CCSDS Operating Plan for Standards 
Development is only existing as Draft Yellow Book (latest version Dec 

CONSIDERING that  the CESG, at its last physical meeting (Bordeaux April 
13),  agreed that the CCSDS operating Plan is represented by the CWE 
Framework (Charters and Projects)

and AFFIRMING that the coexistence of CWE and CCSDS A01-.2-Y-4.1 CCSDS 
Operating Plan for Standards Development is a source for confusion and 

APPROVES the deprecation of CCSDS A01-.2-Y-4.1 CCSDS Operating Plan for 
Standards Development to historical status


RECOMMENDS that the CCSDS Engineering Steering Group Chair initiates the 
required CESG poll for its approval 

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