[CESG] ICPA Completion Schedule / CESG Review of current ICPA

Nestor.Peccia at esa.int Nestor.Peccia at esa.int
Fri Jun 29 04:00:42 EDT 2012

Dear all

On behalf of the CESG Chair please start within your Area with the ICPA 

Please contact Gippo if questions

Adrian and Nestor


Dear All,
        a consolidated version of the IOAG-CCSDS Product Agreements (ICPA 
) is available in CWE at http://cwe.ccsds.org/fm/Lists/Projects/IOAG.aspx 
together with some practical links (e.g. IOAG Catalogs docs, etc.). This 
version includes all the standards that IOAG has requested CCSDS to 
develop within the Frame of IOAG Catalogs #1 and #2.

Most of the first columns (i.e. Project Title, Document Number, Charter, 
Document Type, Project Status, Sched Pub) are taken directly from the CWE 
database and if anything is missing/mistaken for "chartered" projects, the 
error is in the project itself as prepared/revised by the WG. 
Projects for which the the Charter is "unapproved" reflects standards 
required by IOAG but not yet in work by any area.

The IOAG Services column is a link to the IOAG Service(s) requiring that 

The Two Columns IOAG Priority, IOAG Need Date show the IOAG required 

The values in the columns IOAG Comments, CCSDS Comments are dummy while 
the CCSDS Response field (still dummy) is expected to contain one of the 
following 3 values:
Agree = CCSDS agrees to meet the need date, and agrees to the requirement 
in general. 
Issue = CCSDS can not meet the need date, or in general can not meet the 
requirement that the IOAG service is asking for.  In this case, the reason 
should be explained in the comment field. 
Under Review =  CCSDS is still reviewing this request, and we?re not sure 
whether we can meet the requirement or not. 

Each Area is expected to review the ICPA rows for projects chartered to 
that area providing 
- suggested correction (if any) and
- proposed input for the CCSDS Comments CCSDS Response fields.

Each Area should also check the ICPA rows for unchartered projects to 
determine those relevant for their Area providing again
- suggested correction (if any) and
- proposed input for the CCSDS Comments CCSDS Response fields (this are 
expected to be mainly e.g. "Future Work not agreed yet" & "Under review). 

Comments (and questions) should be provided to Gian Paolo (with cc to 
Adrian & Nestor) by 20 July 2012.

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