[CESG] SIS-R-2011-02-001 and SIS-R-2011-02-002 on change in Voice WG Chair and CESG confirmation thereof

Durst, Robert C. durst at mitre.org
Thu Feb 3 13:51:36 EST 2011


The Space Internetworking Services Area,

CONSIDERING that the current Working Group Chair of the Voice Working Group, Mr. Michael Peterson of NASA, can no longer support CCSDS activities due to a change in his job responsibilities,

Sincerely THANKS Michael for his leadership of the Voice Working Group to-date and his participation in the SIS Area and in the CCSDS as a whole.


The Space Internetworking Services Area,

CONSIDERING that the Voice Working Group is without a chair, and

RECOGNIZING that the work of the Working Group needs to continue without interruption, and further

RECOGNIZING that CCSDS A00.0-Y-9 section 4.3.2 requires the Area Director to propose the chair of a Working Group for approval by the CESG, therefore

RESOLVES that Mr. Tom Rich, of NASA, should assume the role of Voice Working Group,

RECOMMENDS that the CESG approve this appointment, and finally

REQUESTS that a CESG poll be conducted to accomplish this.

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