[Cesg-all] Desolation camp in the Westin 7th Floor on Friday 8th April 2016

Shames, Peter M (312B) peter.m.shames at jpl.nasa.gov
Fri Apr 8 22:18:00 UTC 2016

Dear Nestor,

I am not questioning your statistics, but I do question the conclusions.

While it certainly is the case that some rooms were vacant, and that they still had to be paid for, it is equally true that twenty meetings were held that would not have been if we did not meet on the fifth day.  Many of these cannot get squeezed into a four day meeting so they don't happen or get cut short.  CCSDS and the agencies lose out in the process.

It costs something like $4-6K per person to fly them to these meetings, house them, and feed them for a week.  The total cost to the agencies is therefore roughly $750,000 (not including salaries) for 150 people.  The delta cost for one added day is something like less than 10% of that, so the marginal cost for an added day of work is less than the total cost for all the rooms for the week.

I think the benefit to the organization as a whole from that added day of work vastly outweighs the incremental cost.  But that's my analysis & my statistics.

Regards, Peter


Sent from Peter's iPhone 6

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but not simpler.

~Albert Einstein

On Apr 8, 2016, at 2:56 PM, "Nestor.Peccia at esa.int<mailto:Nestor.Peccia at esa.int>" <Nestor.Peccia at esa.int<mailto:Nestor.Peccia at esa.int>> wrote:

Dear all,

You will find below some statistics of the rooms used (by you, WG Chairs, ADs)  this Friday out of the rooms requested (by you, WG Chairs / ADs)

Friday 8th April 2016
09:00 hrs        9 meeting rooms used, out of 13 requested
10:30 hrs        7 meeting rooms used  out of 13 requested
14:45 hrs        4 meeting rooms used out of 13 requested

This means that 4 to 5 full rooms have not been used during Friday 8th Oct 2016. The organizer has paid these unused rooms.

This is the biggest issue, not  4 or 5 days meeting (although "4 days meeting" is an enabler (my humble opinion)  to press you to be more efficient)

CESG and CMC will discuss this issue in depth during the forthcoming meetings.


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