[Secretariat] Re: [Cesg-all] FW: ISO/IEC 9646-7, Information technology, Part7: Implementation Conformance Statements - Implementation Conformance testing methodology and framework

Brian Oliver BrianO at aiaa.org
Fri Apr 15 13:39:31 EDT 2011

Try signing in, and let me know if that does not work for you....

On Apr 15, 2011, at 1:29 PM, "John Garrett" <John.G.Garrett at nasa.gov<mailto:John.G.Garrett at nasa.gov>> wrote:


First, it seems as if the URL to get to the ISO PICS Standard has been truncated.  I don't see any documents when clicking on it.

Second, I'm assuming that the requirement for a PICS pro forma included in standards is only applicable to protocols.
After all the is what the P in PICS stands for.
It is not all that applicable in other cases such as Languages, Reference Models, etc.

Finally, especially in the coming year with reduced budgets, does the benefit of having a PICS pro forma even for a protocol standard worth the increased cost of developing one to include in the standards especially since there is no requirement for anyone to complete a PICS statement for their implementation.  Will any agencies actually commit to providing PICS for their implementations?


On 4/14/2011 11:38 AM, Shames, Peter M (313B) wrote:
Dear CESG Colleagues,

In reference to the note I sent out earlier in the week on the proposed PICS Pro Forma update to the CCSDS Procedures, the Secretariat has contacted ISO and made a copy of ISO/IEC 9646-7 available to us for our use.  See the appended note to locate it in the CWE.

This is a 68 page document and it provides a very complete discussions of different kinds of PICS Pro Formae, distinguishes between single protocol and application profile PICS, and otherwise treats how to use this in documented a standard and also how to use it to document the testing of a standard and any implementations of a standard for compliance.

I question whether we will want all of this material in the CCSDS Procedures, even in an Annex.  An Annex of no more than 5 pages seems appropriate, but it will be very difficult to provide in that limited space a very complete coverage of the subject.  Perhaps that will be enough, if done well, but it is likely to result in a rather uneven treatment of the topic by our document editors.  So we are left with the question of whether we should also consider adding a new CCSDS Yellow Book for PICS Pro Forma, PICS, and Testing that incorporates much of what is in the ISO doc, but tailors it for our purposes.  This would then be a companion to the updated CCSDS Procedures and Pubs manuals.

Does anyone have an opinion about this?  Does anyone want to volunteer to produce this edited Yellow Book? I seem to recall that Chris Taylor was someone who was really keen on the inclusion of PICS Pro Formae in CCSDS docs.  Perhaps he has the resources to get this done?

Regards, Peter

From: Nick Tongson <<mailto:nickt at aiaa.org>nickt at aiaa.org<mailto:nickt at aiaa.org>>
Date: Thu, 14 Apr 2011 06:57:47 -0700
To: Adrian Hooke <<mailto:Adrian.J.Hooke at nasa.gov>Adrian.J.Hooke at nasa.gov<mailto:Adrian.J.Hooke at nasa.gov>>, Peter Shames <<mailto:peter.m.shames at jpl.nasa.gov>peter.m.shames at jpl.nasa.gov<mailto:peter.m.shames at jpl.nasa.gov>>
Cc: Mike Kearney <<mailto:Mike.Kearney at nasa.gov>Mike.Kearney at nasa.gov<mailto:Mike.Kearney at nasa.gov>>
Subject: FW: ISO/IEC 9646-7, Information technology, Part7: Implementation Conformance Statements - Implementation Conformance testing methodology and framework

Peter, Adrian: ISO doesn’t have the Word version of ISO/IEC 9646-7 but I did get permission to circulate the PDF files to those who need it within the CCSDS community. One file is large so I’ve uploaded it on the CWE (CESG/CWE Private/Reference Documents).


Please be discreet in your distribution.


Nick Tongson
For the Secretariat of the Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
1801 Alexander Bell Drive
Suite 500
Reston, VA 20191-4344
P: 703.264.7515
F: 703.264.7551
E: <mailto:nickt at aiaa.org> nickt at aiaa.org<mailto:nickt at aiaa.org>

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