[Cesg-all] IMPORTANT - Early agendas needed for March meeting

Kearney, Mike W. (MSFC-EO01) Mike.Kearney at nasa.gov
Mon Feb 4 15:06:47 EST 2008

OK, WG chairs, let us be honest here.   The usual CCSDS meeting
situation is that the Secretariat puts out several appeals to please
send agendas for your working groups a month in advance, but about 90%
wait until the last week, and as many as 50% wait until the last day of
the week before the meeting.   Finally after many messages with the word
"URGENT" in the subject, we get the agendas at the last minute.  


However, recently we have gotten many new CCSDS participants
registering.  They are trying to decide whether to even attend the
meeting or not.  They will look at the website and see no agendas and
therefore have no information on which working groups for which they
should register.  At the worst case, they will assume that nothing of
importance is going to happen, and not come to contribute to CCSDS or
your group.   


I ask you, for the sake of helping increase CCSDS participation, please
send a *draft* agenda quickly, one that will help new attendees get an
understanding of the working group topics, even if it is not the exact
order and topics that will eventually be discussed.  You can always
later send agenda updates that have been massaged by your working group.


Please do not wait until late before the meeting.  Let's start the habit
of sending draft agendas a month before the meeting this time, and then
make it a regular habit for future meetings.  You WG chairs are good at
what you do, so I'm sure this can be done.  


Please send your draft agendas quickly to CCSDS Tech Support at
ccsds_techsupport at aiaa.org, and we will post them to the website.  And
we will post as many updates to that agenda that you desire.   


That goes for you Area Directors, and your plenary agendas, also!  


Thanks very much,  


   -=- Mike 


Mike Kearney

CCSDS General Secretary 

CMC Chairman


Mail Code EO-01

NASA Marshall Space Flight Center

Huntsville, Alabama  35803




Mike.Kearney at nasa.gov



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