[Cesg-all] Fall Meeting Room Schedule (as of 3 July)

Erik Barkley Erik.Barkley at jpl.nasa.gov
Tue Jul 3 17:41:07 EDT 2007


Please see attached file for additions with 
respect to the CSS Area.  I have put a red color 
coding on activities for CSS that were not 
previously listed.  Please let me know if you have any questions.

Best regards,


At 7/3/2007 01:04 PM, Craig Day wrote:
>Please find attached the current set of meeting room requests that have been
>received for our Fall meeting cycle. You'll notice that there are still a
>few working groups that have not requested space for our Fall meetings. If
>the ADs can please forward this message to any of your WG Chairs that have
>not requested space I would appreciate it. I know it seems a bit early to be
>working these logistics items, but we need to get our room requirements to
>our ESA hosts as soon as possible so that they get to work on the meeting
>planning prior to the beginning of the holiday season. Please also review
>the attachment to ensure that I have captured your requests accurately. If
>anyone has any questions or changes, please let me know as soon as possible.
>Thank you for your assistance with this task.
>Best Regards,
>Craig Day
>CCSDS Secretariat Office
>Tel: +1-703-264-3849 € Fax: +1-703-264-7551
>Email: craigd at aiaa.org
>CESG-all mailing list
>CESG-all at mailman.ccsds.org
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