[Cesg-all] Fall Meeting Room Schedule (as of 3 July)

Craig Day craigd at aiaa.org
Tue Jul 3 16:04:07 EDT 2007


Please find attached the current set of meeting room requests that have been
received for our Fall meeting cycle. You'll notice that there are still a
few working groups that have not requested space for our Fall meetings. If
the ADs can please forward this message to any of your WG Chairs that have
not requested space I would appreciate it. I know it seems a bit early to be
working these logistics items, but we need to get our room requirements to
our ESA hosts as soon as possible so that they get to work on the meeting
planning prior to the beginning of the holiday season. Please also review
the attachment to ensure that I have captured your requests accurately. If
anyone has any questions or changes, please let me know as soon as possible.

Thank you for your assistance with this task.

Best Regards,
Craig Day
CCSDS Secretariat Office
Tel: +1-703-264-3849 € Fax: +1-703-264-7551
Email: craigd at aiaa.org

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