[Cesg-all] ACTION REQUESTED: Very important information regardingyour Working Group Meetings.

Howard Weiss Howard.Weiss at sparta.com
Thu Mar 17 08:39:45 EST 2005

Likewise, the Security WG requires internet connectivity as well.

Howie Weiss

Durst,Robert C. wrote:

>Similarly, the SIS area requires Internet connectivity in each of its rooms, including plenary, all WGs and all BOFs.
>------Original Message------
>From: Jean-Luc.Gerner at esa.int
>To: debbie.ronning
>Cc: cesg-all-bounces at mailman.ccsds.org
>Cc: cesg-all at mailman.ccsds.org
>Sent: Mar 16, 2005 6:34 AM
>Subject: Re: [Cesg-all] ACTION REQUESTED: Very important information regardingyour Working Group Meetings.
>For three years now, internet connections have been available in the CCSDS
>meeting rooms. They have revealed to be extremely usefull (exchange of files
>in real time, access to CCSDS documents, ...) and contribute greatly to the
>efficiency of the work. Efficiency is particularly necessary at this Spring
>session which offers only 4 days work to the Areas against the usual 5 days.
>If each individual has to register and pay a fee for a connection, it will
>result in huge logistics problems, given that with several agencies no
>mechanism exists for reimbursement of such costs.
>I believe that the OMG, who accepted to host CCSDS in Athens, should provide
>us with those tools which are considered as basic nowadays for normal work.
>Internet connection is one of these basic tools.
>Best regards
>Jean-Luc Gerner
>Tel: +31 71 565 4473
>                      "debbie.ronning"                                                                                                   
>                      <debbie.ronning at btas.co         To:      cesg-all at mailman.ccsds.org                                                
>                      m>                              cc:                                                                                
>                      Sent by:                        Subject: [Cesg-all] ACTION REQUESTED: Very important information regarding your    
>                      cesg-all-bounces at mailma         Working Group Meetings.                                                            
>                      n.ccsds.org                                                                                                        
>                      15/03/2005 21:45                                                                                                   
>(Embedded image moved to file: pic24350.jpg)
>Area Directors and Working Group Chairs,
>All of the meeting information I haved received from you is now posted to the
>Spring '05 Information Calendar.
>VERY IMPORTANT NOTE:  Please note that there are TWO Calendars on the new
>www.ccsds.org website. One lists specific Spring 2005 meeting information and
>the other calendar includes other non-CCSDS Meetings (and does NOT have the
>detailed, specific Spring 2005 Meeting info.)
>When you are looking for your meetings, please be sure you are looking at the
>Spring '05 Information Calendar.
>Please, at your earliest opportunity, go to the CCSDS Registration Form to
>see a complete listing of your meetings schedules.  This is the easiest way
>to see all of the meetings and when they are scheduled:
>Please review the meeting dates and times of all your meetings.  If there are
>changes to be made, please e-mail me the updated information immediately.
>Some of the information I have received does not include specific
>information. Where it had AM, I listed 9-12noon.  Where it had PM, I listed
>Also, please visit the Meeting Agenda area.  If you do not see your agenda
>posted, it is because I do not have it yet. Please e-mail me your agendas as
>soon as possible.  Please note that some agendas require more specific
>information.  Also, I am in the process of updating some agendas with dates
>and times that I have just received.
>With regard to the specific meeting rooms, OMG Staff asked me to inform you
>of the equipment that comes in the meeting rooms:
>Data Projector
>Projector Screen
>Electrical connection for laptops
>Please note that there is no internet connection in the meeting rooms. There
>will be an additional fee for internet connection, so please let me know as
>soon as possible if you require internet connections and how many.  (There
>Robert C. Durst
>CESG-all mailing list
>CESG-all at mailman.ccsds.org

Howard Weiss
7075 Samuel Morse Drive
Columbia, MD 21046
410.872.1515 x201
410.872.8079 (fax)

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