[Cesg-all] AOS PINK SHEETS (was RE: [CMC] RP A3-07 Announcement of.,.)

Jean-Luc.Gerner@esa.int Jean-Luc.Gerner@esa.int
Mon, 1 Sep 2003 09:55:12 +0100

I believe that the 'cleanest' way to proceed at this stage would be to
withdraw Draft Recommendation CCSDS 701.0-P-3.1 AOS on the basis of negative
results to the review. One negative comment from one single agency would
suffice. It could come from NASA or alternatively from ESA. Note that ESA's
Standards Approval Board meets September 9 and will address the issue then.
If necessary, ESA can raise (and would probably anyway) a negative Rid to
this recommendation. Decision to be taken by the STAB.
Please notify all agencies of the extension of the due date to end of

best regards

Jean-Luc Gerner
Tel: +31 71 565 4473

                      "Adrian J. Hooke"                                                                                              
                      <adrian.j.hooke@jp         To:      Jean-Luc Gerner <Jean-Luc.Gerner@esa.int>                                  
                      l.nasa.gov>                cc:      "CCSDS Engineering Steering Group - All" <cesg-all@mailman.ccsds.org>      
                                                 Subject: Re: [Cesg-all] AOS PINK SHEETS (was RE: [CMC] RP A3-07   Announcement      
                      26/08/2003 17:06           of.,.)                                                                              

At 09:16 AM 8/21/2003, Adrian J. Hooke wrote:
                  At 11:38 AM 7/10/2003, ccsds_rapporteur wrote:
                        The following draft CCSDS Recommendation has been
                        placed on line for CCSDS Agency review:
                             CCSDS 701.0-P-3.1.  Advanced Orbiting Systems,
                        Networks and Data Links: Architectural Specification.
                                                 Pink Sheets.  April 2003.
                        DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION:  This draft update to the
                        Advanced Orbiting Systems, Networks and Data Links:
                        Architectural Specification Recommendation modifies
                        the VCDU Header by converting three of seven spare
                        bits into a new VCDU Counter Extension field.
      At 07:57 AM 8/21/2003, Fred Brosi wrote:
            Did we ever reach a resolution on this? My current feeling is
            that we are a long way from a "Pink" proposal.
      As far as this particular document is concerned, as you know I
      personally share your view that "we are a long way from a 'Pink'
      proposal". Since you and I represent 2/7 of the CESG, we clearly do not
      have CESG consensus to approve this document at this time. Perhaps
      Jean-Luc can comment about how he intends to proceed?


Please note that the due date for receipt of review comments by the
Secretariat is tomorrow, 2003-8-27. As you are aware, numerous technical
issues have been raised in association with this proposed change and AT THIS
morning received indications that it may not have been properly coordinated
with NASDA/JAXA, who are major stakeholders in the AOS specification.

Please, at your earliest convenience, address this issue and come up with a
proposal for how you intend to proceed.

Best regards

Adrian J. Hooke
Chairman, CCSDS Engineering Steering Group (CESG)
NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory,
Interplanetary Network Directorate
M/S 303-400, 4800 Oak Grove Drive
Pasadena, California 91109-8099, USA
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