[Ccsds-omg-liaison] GEMS 1.4 Approved

Rob Andzik andzik at amergint.com
Fri Dec 11 21:04:48 UTC 2015


I am pleased to announce that GEMS 1.4 has been approved by the OMG
Architecture Board. This version includes a new Asynchronous Status Message
that can be pushed by the device and provide change-only status to GEMS
users. This version also includes several minor fixes to the document and
clarification on how to represent lists in the GEMS-ASCII format.

With this release behind us, you might ask what is next for GEMS?  During
this week’s OMG SDTF meeting we spent a good amount of time discussing
this. We are looking at adding new PSMs (Platform Specific Models) possibly
including a JSON and/or a GMSEC mapping. We are also looking at adding a
data transport specification that would sit next to GEMS and provide high
performance transport of raw and/or synchronized bit streams, as well as
packetized data and satellite command data.

If you have any ideas, suggestions, or comments on GEMS or any of the other
OMG SDTF specifications, please feel free to contact us.

Best Regards and Happy Holidays,

— Rob

Rob Andzik
AMERGINT Technologies
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