[Ccsds-omg-liaison] RE: any thoughts on <LocationInContainerInBits>

Rice, James K. {Kevin}(GSFC-581.0)[ASRC RESEARCH & TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS] james.k.rice-1 at nasa.gov
Tue Jun 5 01:00:44 EDT 2012

The zero bit is in the base (or ultimate root container whatever that may be...)   So you are building one entry list from the base container(s) plus the child container.   Then process that whole thing if you need to calculate the addresses and so forth.

From: Overeem, David T [david.t.overeem at boeing.com]
Sent: Tuesday, June 05, 2012 12:10 AM
To: space at omg.org
Subject: any thoughts on <LocationInContainerInBits>

Hi folks.  I have been browsing through the official spec and the schema and am still left with a question.

When I specify the container location for a parameter in a <SequenceContainer> AND that container has a <BaseContainer>, does the zero bit reside in the base (parent) container or the child container being specified?  Seems like a significant detail that ought to be in an annotation.


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