[Ccsds-omg-liaison] [Moims-sc] RIDs on SM&C Common and Core Services are due tomorrow!

Mario.Merri at esa.int Mario.Merri at esa.int
Wed Jul 4 09:06:50 EDT 2007

REMINDER:  the RIDs on the SM&C Common and Core Services are due on the 5th
of July, i.e. tomorrow!


----- Forwarded by Mario Merri/esoc/ESA on 04/07/2007 15:05 -----
             Sam Cooper                                                      
             <Sam.Cooper at scisys                                              
             .co.uk>                                                      To 
             Sent by:                   moims-sc at mailman.ccsds.org           
             moims-sc-bounces at m                                           cc 
                                        [Moims-sc] CCSDS SM&C draft of the   
             04/05/2007 15:04           Common and Core for working          
                                        group review                         

Dear All,

Please find enclosed links to the new drafts of the SM&C Core and Common
books (MS Word and PDF versions):





This is being put out for working group review and, according to the charter,
comments must be submitted by the 5th of July.

Could any comments on the documents be submitted to the Bugzilla located


You will need to create an account but that should be straight forward. Once
you submit a comment I will receive an email automatically and any comments
left on your issues by myself or others with result in an email being sent to
you. You can change this policy if you wish.

There have been reported problems with people not receiving emails from
Bugzilla like they expected. This may be due to SPAM filters, so the email
address you will receive reports from is "SciSys Bugzilla Server
[noreply at cvs.scisys.co.uk] on behalf of CCSDS MOIMS Bugzilla
[ccsds.bugzilla at cvs.scisys.co.uk]".

So, you should get one email at least when I respond to your issue. Any
responses you have should be submitted via the Bugzilla so that we can track

Any issues that have already been submitted to the mailing list have been
added and responded to, may I suggest that new submitters check these first
to avoid duplication.

Can I also ask that issue originators check their issues to check that they
are happy with the resolution that I have put. If not you can add comments to
say why to the issue. This is open to all not only the originators.

Many regards,
PS. I shall be on holiday next week so will be unable to respond to issues
until after that.
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