[Ccsds-omg-liaison] XTCE schedule?
Nestor.Peccia at esa.int
Nestor.Peccia at esa.int
Thu Jun 23 11:54:18 EDT 2005
ACTION: Nestor Peccia - transmit Gerry Simon's namespace proposal
to the CCSDS IPR Working Group for review and comment, with a
view towards adopting it as a CCSDS Yellow Book.
I have distributed Gerry's name proposal and ESA XML standard to everybody.
IPR WG is also analysing the following (with inputs from all the
participating Agencies)
1. When creating an XML schema, should you specify a targetNamespace?
2. When creating an XML schema you need to specify a targetNamespace URI,
what type of URI should you choose: a URN or a URL?
3. Should I set the default namespace to the XML schema namespace or the
4. When specifying an XML schema you often have the choice of placing a
value in an attribute or an element, which should you use?
5. Should local element names be qualified or unqualified?
6. Should all attributes in a document be namespace qualified?
7. When should I declare and use a global attribute?
8. I have an attribute that is used several times in different elements in
my XML schema. What should I do?
9. When should you define a global vs. a local element?
10. When should you define named complex types vs. inline anonymous complex
11. When should you define named simple types vs. inline anonymous simple
12. Should I allow extension to my content model?
13. Should I allow arbitrary extension to my content model via <xs:any>?
14. Should I use lax, strict, or skip for the processContent attribute?
15. Should I constrain my simple type to the exact data expected using
facets, or should I leave room for extensibility?
16. Should I set minOccurs and maxOccurs so that the data is as expected or
should I allow a wider range of values to leave room for extensibility?
17. If my data structure is a graph how should I represent that in my XML
document and my XML schema?
18. Should I use ID and IDREF?
19. Should I use unique, key, and keyref?
20. How should you name elements and attributes?
21. How should you name simple and complex types?
22. Should I use default values for attributes and elements?
23. Should I use fixed attributes?
24. How should I version my XML schemas?
25. How should I indicate the version in the namespace URI?
26. Can I reuse a namespace for a new version of the schema?
27. Should I enable mixed content in my complexType Element?
28. How should I define a simple type which defines a possibly extensible
set of enumeration values?
29. Complex type code lists
30. How should I specify an element which is a container of some set of
31. When should I use <all> model group?
32. Should I use complex type restriction in my XML schemas?
33. Should I build up element content via multilevel subclassing or using
34. Should I define a global attribute that will indicate to implementation
the criticality of extension elements? (Must understand attribute)
35. Should I make my elements nillable?
36. How should I define an element that is going to contain only simple
37. Schema header
38. How should I handle a very large schema document?
39. How can I indicate support for extension schemas?
40. I can't express all the constraints that I need using XML Schema
language, what should I do?
41. Should I have some unique identifiers for schema components?
42. Should I use dangling type
43. Types vs. elements
44. Should schema location be specified when doing import?
45. Binary attachments
46. XML data compression
47. Should Xlink/XPoiner be used?
48. XML Encryption/Signing
49. Usage of ref
50. Usage of recursive types
The analysis document will be distributed to everybody when it is in a mature
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