[Ccsds-omg-liaison] Fwd: RE: AB Evaluation of space-05/05/01

Adrian J. Hooke adrian.j.hooke at jpl.nasa.gov
Fri Jun 17 16:32:29 EDT 2005

>Date: Fri, 17 Jun 2005 15:13:28 -0400
>From: "Chonoles, Michael J" <michael.j.chonoles at lmco.com>
>Subject: RE: AB Evaluation of space-05/05/01
>To: conrad.bock at nist.gov, Sridhar Iyengar <siyengar at us.ibm.com>
>Cc: ab at omg.org, dtc at omg.org,
>  Simon C Gerry Contr Det 12/VOC <Gerry.Simon at schriever.af.mil>, 
> pm-sig at omg.org,
>  space at omg.org, ptc at omg.org
>Especially with the development of SysML, it appears that much of the
>space community will be familiar with the UML2 or (slightly different)
>SysML modeling approaches in these areas.
>I've been very concerned with the potential of fragmenting the modeling
>communities into mutually-incomprehensible dialects. The point of
>standards is to bring down barriers by leveraging well-understood prior
>work. If we allow for different approaches (for no "good" reason) we'll
>be back to the world before UML,
>*       Where there were over 50 incompatible notations,
>*       Where companies and vendors will wary of investing in tools or
>         training because of the uncertainly of market outcome,
>*       Where lessons learned in one project could not be applied
>anywhere else, and
>*       Where further research and progress were stymied by a lack of
>common vocabulary and experience
>Michael Jesse Chonoles
>Coauthor UML 2 For Dummies
>Lockheed Martin MS2/IS&S

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