[Ccsds-omg-liaison] Fwd: RE: AB Evaluation of space-05/05/01

Adrian J. Hooke adrian.j.hooke at jpl.nasa.gov
Fri Jun 17 16:31:00 EDT 2005

>Date: Fri, 17 Jun 2005 15:12:14 -0400
>From: Sridhar Iyengar <siyengar at us.ibm.com>
>Subject: RE: AB Evaluation of space-05/05/01
>To: conrad.bock at nist.gov
>Cc: ab at omg.org, dtc at omg.org,
>  Simon C Gerry Contr Det 12/VOC <Gerry.Simon at schriever.af.mil>, 
> pm-sig at omg.org,
>  ptc at omg.org, space at omg.org
>Of course we should encourage the reuse of existing OMG specs where 
>appropriate - I am all for that.  If the space community undertands the 
>guts of the behavioral parts of the UML2 metamodel so they can 
>reuse/extend it - great.
>I felt that 'requiring/insisting' reuse of significant parts of UML2 by 
>members in a particular domain not very familiar with UML2 is likely to 
>slow down their progress.  I am making this statement based on what we 
>have learnt at OMG over the last few years.
>Using UML2 to define domain models makes a lot of sense. Like wise using 
>MOF to define metamodels, metadata for a specific technology or domain 
>makes a lot of sense.  My main point is that 'requiring' reuse of certain 
>metamodel elements in other metamodels is fraught with the risk of 
>introducing complexity and that we should not be over enthusiastic in 
>promoting reuse of tool metamodels in vertical industry domains before we 
>have enough experience.

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