14 APR 05
Adrian J. Hooke
adrian.j.hooke at jpl.nasa.gov
Fri Apr 15 07:39:43 EDT 2005
[Please review and comment on the following draft]
Draft Summary:
Athens, Greece
14 April 2005
Key members of the OMG's Space Domain Task Force and the CCSDS Engineering
Steering Group convened in Athens at 17:00 on 14 April 2005 to review:
a) Progress in joint work at this meeting, in particular the XTCE Revision
Task Force.
b) Overall working relationships, including mechanisms to avoid
unproductive overlaps.
OMG attendees:
Brad Kizzort; Jon Siegel; Gerry Simon
CCSDS attendees:
Scott Burleigh; Yves Doat; Stuart Fowell; Jen-Luc Gerner
Adrian Hooke; Gerard Lapaian; Mario Merri; Nestor Peccia
Chris Plummer; Takahiro Yamada; Abhijit Sengupta; Peter Shames
1. SDTF RFP-2 "Monitor and Control". The OMG window for RFP-2 closed with
no submissions bring received, and the SDTF does not intend to reactivate
the RFP. Instead, the SDTF personnel have agreed to join the CCSDS
"Spacecraft Monitor and Control" Working Group from this point forward and
will participate via teleconference, mailing lists, etc.
2. The SDTF RFP for the "Operations Procedure Model" did not make it
through the OMG's Architecture Board and will need to be revised. CCSDS
personnel agree that since there are no CCSDS resources allocated to this
topic, the OMG is an appropriate forum for this standardization. CCSDS
personnel will therefore closely track the future progress of this RFP.
3. XTCE RTF. CCSDS personnel joined the SDTF's Revision Task Force (which
has been chartered for one year) and submitted 97 RIDs that were generated
as part of the CCSDS formal Agency review that just completed. The window
for comments will be kept open for one more month to allow JPL to complete
its review. Many of the current RIDs were cleared during this meeting and
the remainder will take a couple of months to work through. There do not
appear to be any show-stoppers, however a significant related issue has
been identified: the need for a jointly agreed registration mechanism for
XML schema naming conventions in order to avoid namespace collisions. Gerry
Simon has generated a proposal that needs to be reviewed by CCSDS:
ACTION: Nestor Peccia - transmit Gerry Simon's namespace proposal to the
CCSDS IPR Working Group for review and comment, with a view towards
adopting it as a CCSDS Yellow Book.
The overall schedule for updating and reviewing the XTCE specification was
discussed, particularly in view of the need to synchronize the review
loops. The following 2005-2006 schedule was agreed by OMG and CCSDS personnel:
30 AUGUST: Updated XTCE specification available (OMG "Interim Report")
CCSDS encapsulates Interim Report; start of CCSDS formal
Agency review
30 OCTOBER: Close of CCSDS Agency review.
01 NOVEMBER: Close of RTF window for comments
01 FEBRUARY: RTF deadline to submit RTF Report to OMG Architecture Board.
Start of OMG Architecture Board - Domain Technical Committee
- OMB Board approvals.
4. WORKING RELATIONSHIPS: it was noted that with respect to the three
technical work items noted above, the CCSDS and OMG have in each case been
able to agree-on a useful and non-duplicative working arrangement. Rather
than work out a grand unified theory to steer future decisions, it was
agreed continue on a step-by-step basis and to evaluate at some later time
whether the decision process can be formalized. The key to making his work
is to improve the communication channel and to alert each other very early
in the gestation process when a new work item is being considered by either
side. Both sides agreed:
a) To use the CCSDS-OMG LIAISON LIST <ccsds-omg-liaison at mailman.ccsds.org>
as the joint coordination mechanism.
b) To take care to post "early warning" information to the list so that new
work items can be discussed before they become too tightly entrenched in
either organization's program of standardization. (As an example, CCSDS
will post its updated Operating Plan when it becomes available in mid-May.)
The meeting adjourned at 18:30 hours.
Respectfully submitted,
Adrian J. Hooke
Chairman, CCSDS Engineering Steering Group (CESG)
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