Mailing Lists


Below is a listing of all the public mailing lists on Click on a list name to get more information about the list, or to subscribe, unsubscribe, and change the preferences on your subscription. To visit the general information page for an unadvertised list, open a URL similar to this one, but with a '/' and the list name appended.

List administrators, you can visit the list admin overview page to find the management interface for your list.

If you are having trouble using the lists, please contact

List Description
CCSDS-CSS-Github CSS Area Github
CCSDS-OMG-Liaison CCSDS-OMG Liaisons
CESG CCSDS-Engineering Steering Group
CESG-All CCSDS-Engineering Steering Group-All
CMC CCSDS-Management Council
CSS CSS-Cross Support Services
CSS-CLOUD CSS-Cloud Data Delivery Standards Working Group
CSS-CSSM-INFO CSS-Service Management Working Group Information
CSS-CSTS CSS-Transfer Services Working Group
CSSM-DEV-FORUM CSS-SM Developers Forum
DevelopersForum LunaNet Developers Forum
INTL-Associates CCSDS-International Associates
Liaisons CCSDS-Liaisons
Lunar-Interoperability-Forum Lunar-Interoperability-Forum
MOIMS MOIMS-Mission Operations and Information Management Services
MOIMS-DAI MOIMS-Data Archive Interoperability
MOIMS-DAI-INFO MOIMS-Data Archive Ingestion Information
MOIMS-MP MOIMS-CCSDS Mission Planning Services WG
MOIMS-NAV-EXEC MOIMS-Navigation Working Group Executive
MOIMS-PUS MOIMS-Packet Utilization Standard BOF
MOIMS-SC MOIMS-Spacecraft Monitoring & Control
MOIMS-SC-OBS MOIMS-Spacecraft Control Observeres
Observers CCSDS-Observers
SEA SEA-Systems Engineering Area
SEA-All SEA-Systems Engineering-All
SEA-D-DOR SEA-Delta-DOR Working Group
SEA-EXEC SEA-Systems Engineering Area-Executive
SEA-SA SEA-Systems Architecture Working Group
SEA-SEC SEA-Security
SEA-TIME SEA-Time Management WG
SIS SIS-Space Internetworking Services
SIS-CFDP-ENCAP SIS-CCSDS File Delivery Protocol over Encapsulation WG
SIS-CFDPV1 SIS-CFDP Revisions Working Group
SIS-DTN SIS-Delay Tolerant Networking WG
SIS-EXEC SIS-Space Internetworking Services-Executive
SIS-MIA SIS-Motion Imagery and Applications WG
SIS-Voice SIS-Voice Working Group
SLS SLS-Space Link Services
SLS-CC SLS-Space Link Coding & Synchronization Working Group
SLS-COM SLS-Optical Channel Coding and Modulations BOF
SLS-DC SLS-Data Compression WG
SLS-OPT SLS-Optical Communications Working Group
SLS-PCOM SLS-Planetary Communications SIG
SLS-RFM SLS-RF & Modulation
SLS-SEA-DLS SLS-SEA-Space Data Link Security WG
SLS-SLP SLS-Space Link Protocols
SMWG CSS-Service Management Working Group
SOIS SOIS-Spacecraft Onboard Interface Services
SOIS-APP SOIS-Application Support Services Working Group
SOIS-EXEC SOIS-Spacecraft Onboard Interface Services-Executive
SOIS-SUBNET SOIS-Subnetwork Services Working Group
SOIS-WIR SOIS-Onboard Wireless WG
SSG SANA Steering Group
TC20-SC13 ISO TC20/SC13-P-Members
TC20-SC13-L ISO TC20/SC13-Liaisons
TC20-SC13-O ISO TC20/SC13-Observers

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