mailing lists - Admin Links


Below is the collection of publicly-advertised Mailman mailing lists on Click on a list name to visit the configuration pages for that list.To visit the administrators configuration page for an unadvertised list, open a URL similar to this one, but with a '/' and the list name appended. If you have the proper authority, you can also create a new mailing list.

General list information can be found at the mailing list overview page.

(Send questions and comments to

List Description
CCSDS-CSS-Github CSS Area Github
CCSDS-OMG-Liaison CCSDS-OMG Liaisons
CESG CCSDS-Engineering Steering Group
CESG-All CCSDS-Engineering Steering Group-All
CMC CCSDS-Management Council
CSS CSS-Cross Support Services
CSS-CLOUD CSS-Cloud Computing BOF
CSS-CSSM-INFO CSS-Service Management Working Group Information
CSS-CSTS CSS-Transfer Services Working Group
CSSM-DEV-FORUM CSS-SM Developers Forum
DevelopersForum LunaNet Developers Forum
INTL-Associates CCSDS-International Associates
Liaisons CCSDS-Liaisons
Lunar-Interoperability-Forum Lunar-Interoperability-Forum
MOIMS MOIMS-Mission Operations and Information Management Services
MOIMS-DAI MOIMS-Data Archive Interoperability
MOIMS-DAI-INFO MOIMS-Data Archive Ingestion Information
MOIMS-MP MOIMS-CCSDS Mission Planning Services WG
MOIMS-NAV-EXEC MOIMS-Navigation Working Group Executive
MOIMS-PUS MOIMS-Packet Utilization Standard BOF
MOIMS-SC MOIMS-Spacecraft Monitoring & Control
MOIMS-SC-OBS MOIMS-Spacecraft Control Observeres
Observers CCSDS-Observers
SEA SEA-Systems Engineering Area
SEA-All SEA-Systems Engineering-All
SEA-D-DOR SEA-Delta-DOR Working Group
SEA-EXEC SEA-Systems Engineering Area-Executive
SEA-SA SEA-Systems Architecture Working Group
SEA-SEC SEA-Security
SEA-TIME SEA-Time Management WG
SIS SIS-Space Internetworking Services
SIS-CFDP-ENCAP SIS-CCSDS File Delivery Protocol over Encapsulation WG
SIS-CFDPV1 SIS-CFDP Revisions Working Group
SIS-DTN SIS-Delay Tolerant Networking WG
SIS-EXEC SIS-Space Internetworking Services-Executive
SIS-MIA SIS-Motion Imagery and Applications WG
SIS-Voice SIS-Voice Working Group
SLS SLS-Space Link Services
SLS-CC SLS-Space Link Coding & Synchronization Working Group
SLS-COM SLS-Optical Channel Coding and Modulations BOF
SLS-DC SLS-Data Compression WG
SLS-OPT SLS-Optical Communications Working Group
SLS-PCOM SLS-Planetary Communications SIG
SLS-RFM SLS-RF & Modulation
SLS-SEA-DLS SLS-SEA-Space Data Link Security WG
SLS-SLP SLS-Space Link Protocols
SMWG CSS-Service Management Working Group
SOIS SOIS-Spacecraft Onboard Interface Services
SOIS-APP SOIS-Application Support Services Working Group
SOIS-EXEC SOIS-Spacecraft Onboard Interface Services-Executive
SOIS-SUBNET SOIS-Subnetwork Services Working Group
SOIS-WIR SOIS-Onboard Wireless WG
SSG SANA Steering Group
TC20-SC13 ISO TC20/SC13-P-Members
TC20-SC13-L ISO TC20/SC13-Liaisons
TC20-SC13-O ISO TC20/SC13-Observers

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