[Sis-dtn] IPN services registry questions

Birrane, Edward J. Edward.Birrane at jhuapl.edu
Fri Apr 14 14:07:40 UTC 2023

In the IPN scheme existing IANA registries allocate service number range 66-1023 to SANA, which managed these services at https://sanaregistry.org/r/bp_cbhe_service_numbers/.

Currently there are 2 entries in that registry, both related to CFDP.

A few questions:
- Is there a reason for this range (up to 1023)? That number doesn't have special meaning in CBOR encoding, so I assume this is beneficial for some other kind of bitpacking?
- Are BP/DTN related services for CCSDS so specific that we need a service number range dedicated to SANA?
- Are there services that are considered only specific to BPv6 and not BPv7?


Edward J. Birrane, III, Ph.D. (he/him/his)
Chief Engineer, Space Constellation Networking
Supervisor, Embedded Applications Group
Space Exploration Sector
Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory
(W) 443-778-7423 / (F) 443-228-3839

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