[SIS-CFDPV1] Multiple file delivery request in a single Metada PDU and compressed delivery....

구철회 chkoo at kari.re.kr
Wed Dec 7 00:49:09 UTC 2022

Hi, CFDP fellow.

Recently, I am questioning to myself about how I am able to get multiple files from remote space storage through CFDP.
In the current CFDPv1 specification, we have to send multiple put.request commands to a sending entity as many as needed.

Is it possible to think putting multiple file source in a metadata pdu and also possibly compressed by tar, zlib and so on to make it possible?
For example, we can compile a metadata pdu as follows when a sending CFDP entity got requests for the aaa.txt bbb.tlm, ccc.img, ddd.dat separately:
File size : file size of compressed file, i.e., size of measurement_data.gz
Source file name : aaa.txt bbb.tlm, ccc.img, ddd.dat
Destination file name : measurement_data.gz

In my opinion, voluntary compression service by a sending CFDP entity would be good in terms of bandwidth reduction, lower retransmission rate and so on.


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