[Sois-tcons] Actions from TCONS/OBL Teleconference

Steve Parkes sparkes at computing.dundee.ac.uk
Fri Jun 3 12:57:00 EDT 2005

Dear All,


Here are the actions that we agreed:


1.	Max to send out information about the Discussion Board and all to
use this for future email debate - by 8th June.
2.	Steve/Rick to provide white paper describing the overall
architecture - by 21st June.
3.	Greg/Steve to provide an initial white paper on QoS approach - by
21st June.
4.	Max/Dai to provide draft red book describing the Inter Network
Service Interface that admits TCP/IP and other transport/network services -
by 21st June.
5.	Dai to provide draft red book describing the Intra Network Service
Interface that provides a datagram service with QoS across a single
sub-network - by 21st June.
6.	Rick to provide a draft red book describing the Data Link Service -
by 21st June.
7.	Jane/Steve/Greg to define Network Management Service to be defined
following QoS white paper - deadline TBD during next teleconf.
8.	Max SOIS CAN draft red book - deadline TBD during next teleconf.
9.	Steve SOIS SpaceWire draft red book - deadline TBD during next
10.	Rick SOIS 1394 draft red book - deadline TBD during next teleconf.
11.	Jane/Greg SOIS Ethernet draft red book - deadline TBD during next
12.	Rick/Chris SOIS 1553 draft red book - deadline TBD during next


Next teleconference to be on Tuesday 21st - Jane to send out email reminder
and phone number details.







Steve Parkes

Space Technology Centre

Applied Computing, University of Dundee

Dundee, DD1 4HN, Scotland, UK

Tel: +44 1382 345194

Fax: +44 1382 348838

Mobile: +44 784 138 3779


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