[Sois-tcoas] FW: [Cesg-all] Spring 2006 Meeting Agendas

Stuart Fowell Stuart.Fowell at scisys.co.uk
Tue May 2 05:22:58 EDT 2006

Unfortunately flights aren't working out too well for me so I won't be
arriving in Rome until about 5pm on the Monday.
On that basis, here is a draft agenda for TCOAS:
    am:    SOIS plenary
    pm:    -
    am:    Review draft TCOAS Green Book
              Answer CESG Comments on Time Access Service Red Book
              Answer CESG Comments on Device Access Service Red Book
    pm:    Joint meeting with AMS WG on Time Critical aspects of AMS
    am:    Onboard Plug-and-Play BOF meeting
    pm:    Review draft Device Virtualisation Service Red Book
              [Onboard Transducer BOF meeting]
    am:    Final review of File Services Red Book
    pm:    Review draft Device Data Pooling Service Red Book
    am:    TCOAS plenary - wrap up reviews, reworks and issue Green &
Red Books to CESG for review
    pm:    SOIS plenary
I'm assuming that Chris Plummer and Chris Taylor will be attending the
TCOAS Green Book review as they are the authors!
Chris Plummer - are you still on course for a draft Device
Virtualisation Service Red Book for the meeting or will we have a
working session?
All: please can you let me know your planned attendance, or it will be a
very small and brief meeting!!


From: Scott Burleigh [mailto:Scott.Burleigh at jpl.nasa.gov] 
Sent: 01 May 2006 23:59
To: Stuart Fowell
Subject: Re: [Sois-tcoas] FW: [Cesg-all] Spring 2006 Meeting Agendas

Stuart Fowell wrote: 

	We need to pull together an agenda for the Rome meeting.
	The goals for the week are:
	1. Review and put forward for issue TCOAS Green Book (if this is
still the plan - Chris?)
	2. Answer CESG comments on Time Access Service Red Book
	3. Answer CESG comments on Device Access Service Red Book
	4. Review and put forward for issue File Services Red Book (if
available - Max?)
	5. Complete draft and 1st review of Device Data Pooling Service
Red Book (Stuart)
	6. Review Device Virtualisation concept paper (if available -
Chris?), perhaps consider ECSS SSHDI as a basis?, draft Device
Virtualisation Service Red Book
	Wednesday is when the various BOFs are meeting.
	I would also like to schedule a half-day session with the
Asynchronous Messaging Service WG, perhaps on the Tuesday?
	Can you please let me know your availability through the week
and we can have a first stab at an agenda.

Stuart, have you gotten anywhere on this agenda yet?  I'm supposed to be
circulating it within the NASA CCSDS community so we can come to a
unified US/NASA position on TCOAS *before* the meeting, thereby (we
hope) saving everyone much time during the meeting.  From the scarcity
of email traffic I am guessing that you haven't received a lot of ideas
from other WG members; for what it's worth, I think the items you've
listed here cover the ground pretty well.


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