[Sois-tcoas] FW: [Cesg-all] Spring 2006 Meeting Agendas

Scott Burleigh Scott.Burleigh at jpl.nasa.gov
Wed Apr 26 23:07:51 EDT 2006

Stuart Fowell wrote:

> TCOASers,
> We need to pull together an agenda for the Rome meeting.
> The goals for the week are:
> 1. Review and put forward for issue TCOAS Green Book (if this is still 
> the plan - Chris?)
> 2. Answer CESG comments on Time Access Service Red Book
> 3. Answer CESG comments on Device Access Service Red Book
> 4. Review and put forward for issue File Services Red Book (if 
> available - Max?)
> 5. Complete draft and 1st review of Device Data Pooling Service Red 
> Book (Stuart)
> 6. Review Device Virtualisation concept paper (if available - Chris?), 
> perhaps consider ECSS SSHDI as a basis?, draft Device Virtualisation 
> Service Red Book
> Wednesday is when the various BOFs are meeting.
> I would also like to schedule a half-day session with the Asynchronous 
> Messaging Service WG, perhaps on the Tuesday?
> Can you please let me know your availability through the week and we 
> can have a first stab at an agenda.
> It looks like I won't be arriving until midday on the Monday so will 
> miss the opening plenary.

Stuart, I'll be there all week (arriving Saturday).  The AMS WG is 
already in a joint meeting with SMC, Nav, and Security on Tuesday 
morning, but Tuesday afternoon is open.  How about scheduling a joint 
AMS/TCOAS meeting then?

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