[Sois-opp] SOIS Application Support Services WG - Plug-and-Play Work Plan

Stuart Fowell Stuart.Fowell at scisys.co.uk
Mon Mar 28 09:53:06 EST 2011

CCSDS SOIS-APP Plug-and-Play Work Plan

Building on issued standards for subnetwork services, one of the major
goals of this group is to agree a coherent architecture for
plug-and-play of onboard devices based on use cases and requirements and
to produce and agree a set of standards to allow interoperable
plug-and-play implementations.



The main aim of the SOIS-APP group's work on plug-and-play is to publish
standards for:


*	A coherent onboard plug-and-play architecture documented in the
SOIS Green Book
*	Services for carrying out plug-and-play activities and
interfacing with plug-and-play devices in the form of Device Enumeration
Service (DES) and Device Virtualisation Service (DVS) Magenta Books (no
changes have been identified as being required to the current Device
Access Service Magenta Book).
*	A specification for a SOIS Electronic Datasheet (EDS) standard
in the form of a descriptive book and an XML schema - Blue Book?
*	A specification for the mapping from an IEEE 1451.0 TEDS to a
SOIS EDS - part of EDS Blue Book?.
*	A specification for the mapping from an xTEDS datasheet to a
SOIS EDS.  It may well be that the xTEDS datasheet is just one section
of a SOIS EDS.  A translation could be specified as an XSLT - part of
EDS Blue Book?.
*	A specification for the dictionary of terms (DoT) - part of EDS
Blue Book but see below?.
*	A specification for the process of updating the DoT.  This needs
to be a relatively quick process as, particularly in the beginning, the
DoT will need to be updated frequently - under control of SANA?.
*	Template datasheets for each of the specified device classes -
part of EDS Blue Book or separate?.
*	A process for the allocation of unique identifiers, if required
- under control of SANA?.


Work Plan

These are roughly, but not exclusively, in order.  Some overlap will be

1.	Detailed investigation of IEEE1451.0 including a description of
all elements to ensure a strict superset. Lead?
2.	Detailed investigation of draft AIAA SPA standards to align
DVS-level datasheet section and DVS/DES service interfaces where
applicable. Lead?
3.	Propose an initial EDS schema. Lead?
4.	Specify electronic datasheets for approximately 20-30 existing
devices to ensure compatibility and refine EDS schema.  These devices
must be selected for both breadth (coverage of device classes) and depth
(variation within a device class). This process is to ensure that the
EDS schema is sufficiently flexible to be able to represent most
devices, and to build confidence in the SOIS plug-and-play approach.
5.	Align dictionary of terms with SPA/AIAA CDD. Lead?
6.	Merge DVS service interface-level EDS with xTEDS including
DoT/CDD merge (political as well as technical). Lead?
7.	Prototype DVS and DES for design-time and run-time adaptivity
use cases.  This should use the full range of specified electronic
datasheets. Lead?
8.	Refine DVS to accommodate temporal and non-functional issues.
9.	Develop prototype tool chain including IEEE 1451.0 TEDS import
and SPA/AIAA import/export. Lead?
10.	Refine DVS and DES and align interfaces with SPA/AIAA. Lead?
11.	Carry out survey of existing devices (probably combined with
above) to permit the definition of template device EDSs (for device
classes). Lead?


Progressing the Work Plan

To progress through the work plan, we aimed to have fortnightly
teleconferences, limited to 1 hour and at a regular time, to progress
this. Each work item should be allocated an owner, who will commit the
time to guide the item through to completion (it is anticipated that
others will need to contribute, even if it is only in the form of


A Doodle survey has been set up (http://www.doodle.com/4kdtstb9ayrgc2fm)
<http://www.doodle.com/4kdtstb9ayrgc2fm>  to agree day of week when most
people can attend on a regular basis. This will also give us a basis of
those who wish to participate (those who respond to the survey).


Agenda of PnP Telecon #1:

1.	Agree work plan and item owners
2.	Item 1 on the work plan.


Stuart D. Fowell B.Eng MBCS
Senior Consultant - Space Division
SciSys UK Limited
T:  +44 (0)117 916 5138 | M:  +44 (0)7715 750255 | F:  +44 (0)117 916
E:  stuart.fowell at scisys.co.uk | http://www.scisys.co.uk


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Registered Office: Methuen Park, Chippenham, Wiltshire SN14 0GB, UK.
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