[Sois-app] FW: SOIS telecon minutes

Richard Melvin Richard.Melvin at scisys.co.uk
Tue Mar 3 17:11:36 UTC 2015

Some of the individual email addresses bounced, so resending to listserv...


1. Pasadena meeting

Ray will be involved in XML SiG Friday morning 

Kevin will probably not be able to make the Friday 

Monday there is a meeting on deterministic networks (or similar title) that several people want to attend.

2. Editorial review comments

Discussion on protocol data units and service data units.

'service data unit' to be added to Green Book glossary.

Summarising email discussions, a 'data unit' flag on a command argument is necessary to cleanly specify arbitrary interfaces, indicating data that is already encoded down to the byte level. 

Action: Ray to propose this as a github issue.

Summarising long email discussions, some way of handling 'wrong' bit orders is required.

Action: Richard to propose this as a github issue.

3. Ongoing schema changes

Now the Red Book has been sent out for review, the recommended way to _record WG-level agreement of the details of changes that should or could be made_  is to:

- ensure it is captured in detail in a github issue (either bug, enhancement or question).
- optionally, make the change to the schema file as and when it is needed for ongoing work.

Note that such changes, even if made to the schema file, technically aren’t 'official' until such time as a red book is published containing them. In theory, while it's probably unlikely, they could be backed out before then.

This is a permanent link for the version of the schema file that matches the red book sent out for review:

4. Github issues

Reviewed open issues on github (https://github.com/nasa/SOIS-CCSDS-XML/issues )

Action: Ray to review #9 to see if it can be closed now.

Action: Kevin to update #10 with details of what was decided for XTCE (where the construct was copied from).

5. Next meeting

Next teleconference planned for same time (3PM GMT) 17th March. 

Pasadena meeting starts 23rd March 

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