[cssm] Updates to UML Model, Schemas and New Examples after FRM splinter meeting of 16th July

Barkley, Erik J (US 3970) erik.j.barkley at jpl.nasa.gov
Thu Jul 18 18:26:51 UTC 2024


Thanks very much for the update and producing the instance illustrative examples.  I think the illustrative examples very helpful and will definitely help in working toward a good understanding as to how the FRM is applied in a managed service context.

I think this exposes some aspects that might be of concern (which in itself is good - don't get me wrong!):

  1.  The service management header for all messages includes, if I remember correctly, a space user node, which is essentially a spacecraft identifier. It may be that we should think about generating the MD CSTS service management instance information based on the service management header rather than have that contained in the configuration profile as suggested by the configuration profile example. Otherwise we have the situation where the service management header could identify spacecraft A  and the configuration profile for the MD CSTS instance configuration could indicates spacecraft B. Not the best situation for guarding against potential sources of errors.
  2.  I realize that this is just an illustrative example but I will take the opportunity to again note that the user is very unlikely to configure antenna azimuth and elevation type parameters. Really this should just be the concern of the provider and so we need to perhaps double our efforts to start looking at the filtering whereby functional resources or specific parameters that do not make sense for exposure in the managed service context are "weeded out".  In general, I am not sure what if any apertureStratum information would be stated - presumably it is the provider's job to work out during service level agreement negotiations, etc. sufficient gain for a given frequency, EIRP, coding scheme, and things like slew rates, etc. for apertures it can provide, and subsequently assign appropriate antennas/apertures in satisfaction for scheduled services.  I think this is really were some of the notable differences between the FRM in the abstract and it's application in a managed service context start to emerge.
  3.  physicalChannelStratum is called out many times.  The practical application I see for real world operations is that a profile will apply to a given carrier and that the carrier is essentially the physical channel stratum on which the services (e.g., telemetry, ranging) operate. So this might argue for a somewhat different organization, but still making use of the underlying FRs and their parameters.   I plan to address this at the next splinter session, so just a comment for now.

Best regards,

From: SMWG <smwg-bounces at mailman.ccsds.org> On Behalf Of Colin Haddow via SMWG
Sent: Thursday, July 18, 2024 7:46
To: CCSDS Service Management W/G <smwg at mailman.ccsds.org>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] [cssm] Updates to UML Model, Schemas and New Examples after FRM splinter meeting of 16th July

Dear all,
              I've updated the UML model and associated schemas to include the changes discussed at the FRM splinter meeting. The UML diagram for the config profile is now as shown below;

[cid:image001.jpg at 01DAD8FA.37E30760]

In addition I've created 2 illustrative XML examples, one for the Service Agreement and the other for the Config Profile. These are not intended to be realistic, but merely serve to illustrate the type of data this is required in the Config Profile and the Service Agreement. The config profile contains 32 Functional Resouces, one of each that can be created at the various strata, each Functional Resource only has one parameter defined tho'. The examples are named;

  *   Example-902x05w01-ConfigProfile-Illustrative.xml

  *   Example-902x05w01-ServiceAgrmnt-Illustrative.xml
And can be found in GitHub at the following URL;

  *   https://github.com/CCSDS-CSSM/902Repository/tree/CRH-WorkInProgress<https://urldefense.us/v3/__https:/github.com/CCSDS-CSSM/902Repository/tree/CRH-WorkInProgress__;!!PvBDto6Hs4WbVuu7!NRB_G4_lPQodilt9lQQpqmjcPhegHojMaOaFpCBPbfTIbF_0T9aTessWeJBsHxmBVoPM7_OFHXR6OG4U_fPndX8HsQ$>
For those of you that don't have the Eclipse IDE installed and still want to have a look at the latest schemas and/or XML examples I've uploaded a zip file containing all the required schemas and XML examples to CWE. This can be found at the following URL;

  *   https://cwe.ccsds.org/css/docs/CSS-SM/CWE%20Private/Book%20Production/Schemas%20and%20UML%20Model/902Schema%2020240718.zip<https://urldefense.us/v3/__https:/cwe.ccsds.org/css/docs/CSS-SM/CWE*20Private/Book*20Production/Schemas*20and*20UML*20Model/902Schema*2020240718.zip__;JSUlJSUl!!PvBDto6Hs4WbVuu7!NRB_G4_lPQodilt9lQQpqmjcPhegHojMaOaFpCBPbfTIbF_0T9aTessWeJBsHxmBVoPM7_OFHXR6OG4U_fORfi_OFg$>

Cheers for now,


Dr. Colin R. Haddow

Scotty Consulting UG
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