[cssm] Notes from FRM, FRIN, SACP, etc. splinter session on 240716
Barkley, Erik J (US 3970)
erik.j.barkley at jpl.nasa.gov
Tue Jul 16 18:02:57 UTC 2024
Thank you for the productive meeting. Here are the notes I captured from our splinter session tomorrow. Corrections appreciated. I have a sent out a proposal for a follow-up session in September.
Best regards,
--notes from splinter session--
1. Looked at the xml schema for the aperture FR and noted that FRIN was optional and frNickname required
* Participants in splinter session wondered if this should in fact be the opposite way around
1. Also noted that the FRIN is defined as a string but we believe the FRM book defines this as an integer
2. Clarified that the FRIN resides at the level of the FR, and not the individual parameters of the FR
3. Discussed the approach whereby a nickname is associated with a FRIN that is assigned to allow FRs (across the various strata) that belong to particular carrier profile to be logically associated
* For example, a nickname of something like "BEPI-X-Fwd-HR" (for x-band high-rate forward carrier) has a FRIN=1, which is assigned to the Ccsds401SpaceLinkCarrierXmit, RntXMit, etc. FRs belonging to this forward carrier profile
* Data Transfer Services, in the return direction, would need some "additive" FRINs or other such consideration
* Aperture stratum will also need some special consideration
* E. Barkley to take an action to sketch this more fully, especially in terms of information exchanged between user and provider
* Noted that this is in an overall context of identifying what the service user provides (in terms of naming, instance numbers), what the service user needs to do (with the naming, FRINs) , and how this relates to initializing and use MD-CSTS instances
* Noted that it needs to be made clear that the FRIN is not bound to equipment instances, but rather service/configuration profile instances
1. C. Haddow updated the UML diagram to properly indicate the cardinalities in the proto configuration profile UML diagram
2. ModResParm definition still pending further discussion
3. Agreed to have another splinter session in September
-----Original Appointment-----
From: Barkley, Erik J (US 3970)
Sent: Tuesday, July 2, 2024 9:24
To: Barkley, Erik J (US 3970); Colin Haddow; Marcin. Gnat at dlr. de
Cc: CCSDS Service Mgmt; Holger Dreihahn; Eddy, Wesley M. (GSFC-580.0)[MTI SYSTEMS, INC.]; Martin Unal; hugh.kelliher at spaceconnexions.com; Shames, Peter M (US 312B)
Subject: FRM, FRIN, SACP, etc. splinter session
When: Tuesday, July 16, 2024 7:00-8:30 (UTC-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada).
Where: Microsoft Teams Meeting
Double check updated UML model re ModResParm and FRINs vs FrNickName, etc. finalize approach to enable CDE publication.
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