[cssm] Agreed W/G RID responses for Agency Review of CCSDS 902.9-R-1 Service Management Utilization Request Formats

Colin Haddow Scotty.Consulting at Scotty-Enterprizes.com
Wed Feb 8 15:56:38 UTC 2023

Dear all,
               the agreed W/G RID responses (as of 2023/01/25) for Agency Review of CCSDS 902.9-R-1 Service Management Utilization Request Formats can be found at the following URL;


The intention is that we finalise these responses at the next W/G telecon on Feb 7th. With this in mind please review the responses and (ideally) send any comments you may have to myself, Marcin and Erik before the telecon.


Cheers for now,

Dr. Colin R. Haddow

Scotty Consulting UG
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