[cssm] [EXTERNAL] Notes for January 11 telecon + updated action items

Eddy, Wesley M. (GSFC-580.0)[MTI SYSTEMS, INC.] wesley.m.eddy at nasa.gov
Wed Jan 19 21:47:03 UTC 2022

For the action on Service Agreement contents, here are generic contents used for some recent NSN service agreement documents.

There are actually 3 different templates, and a Mission Commitment Engineer collaborates with the customer on the services needed, using the appropriate template.

[cid:image001.png at 01D80D54.2DEA8DB0]

I looked at both PSLA and SLA documents for recent missions.  Below is a set of different types of data contained in them.

  1.  Customer Information
     *   Mission Name & Acronym or Short Title
     *   Points of Contact for:

                                                                           i.      The Mission Project's Requirements

                                                                         ii.      The Mission Project's Funding

                                                                       iii.      The Mission Project's Ground Systems

                                                                       iv.      The NSN's Mission Manager assigned

                                                                         v.      The NSN's Mission Commitment Engineer

                                                                       vi.      The CP (NASA terrestrial network service provider) Customer Service Representative assigned

                                                                      vii.      The Flight Dynamics Facility

                                                                    viii.      ... any others that might be relevant

     *   Category/Sponsor (checkboxes for the NASA mission directorate or different non-NASA options).
     *   Brief statement of mission objectives.
     *   Launch/Flight Information (indication of launch vehicle, site, operations sites, trajectory regime e.g. injection into LEO, and launch dates)
     *   Orbit/Flight Path Data (checkboxes for high-level options, then orbital parameters)
     *   Key Mission Events and Dates (major review milestones, start of spacecraft I&T, etc.)
     *   Launch and/or Mission-Critical Events (listed)
     *   Formulation and Implementation Phase Start Dates.
     *   Funding information.
     *   Present Phase of Development.
     *   Requirements Maturity Assessment (%)
     *   Potential Services Extension (e.g. L+15 years).
     *   Spacecraft Estimated Lifetime.
     *   Spacecraft Lifetime Limiting Factor.
     *   Stations Requiring Frequency Authorization.
     *   Frequency Authorization Managed by who.
  1.  Customer Requirements and Standard Services
     *   GSFC Networks/Data Services

                                                                           i.      NEN

           *   Service Levels
              *   Launch and Early Orbit Phase

                                                                                                                                                   i.      E.g. all available contacts, as many as X per day per specific site.

              *   Spacecraft Activation Phase
              *   Instrument Activation Phase
           *   Service Provided
              *   Tracking
              *   Telemetry
              *   Commanding
              *   Data Formatting and Storage
              *   Scheduling
              *   Testing
              *   Summary Data

                                                                         ii.      SN (similar to NEN section, though with slightly different "Services Provided" including Real-time Control and Performance Data Monitoring)

                                                                       iii.      Mission Integration and Test

           *   Text and table describing different test types (roughly a dozen, including database, connectivity, data flows, scheduling, end-to-end, etc.), resources, and numbers of tests for each type

                                                                       iv.      Radio Frequency Interface Control Document

           *   Reference to separate RFICD document.
     *   DSN Services
     *   Flight Dynamics Facility

                                                                           i.      Initial Acquisition Vectors

                                                                         ii.      DOWD Measurements

                                                                       iii.      LEOP Acquisition Data

                                                                       iv.      Table of FDF Services requested prelaunch, launch & early orbit, on-orbit, contingency, or end-of-mission, including:

           *   Orbit determination
           *   Acq. Data
           *   Manuever planning
           *   Predictive products
           *   Analysis
           *   Tracking data evaluation
           *   Other as requested
     *   Communications Program (CP) - our terrestrial network provider between sites

                                                                           i.      Table of data service requirements between specific sites (e.g. primary MOC, backup MOC, etc. to Goddard or different ground stations, etc).

  1.  Service and Schedule Summary
     *   Funding responsibility
     *   Estimated services for future years (table of different service types per provider needed in upcoming fiscal years)
     *   Customer's Master Schedule
     *   Customer Deliverables (table of technical documents, inputs, reports, etc. and who is providing each by when)
  2.  Networks Integration Documents and Reviews
     *   Checklist of important documents and reviews with hyperlinks
     *   Reference documents

From: SMWG <smwg-bounces at mailman.ccsds.org> On Behalf Of Barkley, Erik J (US 3970) via SMWG
Sent: Wednesday, January 12, 2022 8:33 PM
To: CCSDS Service Mgmt WG <smwg at mailman.ccsds.org>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] [cssm] Notes for January 11 telecon + updated action items

CSSM Colleagues,

Attached are the notes from the teleconference on January 11.  Corrections appreciated.    The notes have also been uploaded to the teleconference folder on CWE (meeting materials --> 2022 --> Telecons or  https://cwe.ccsds.org/css/docs/Forms/AllItems.aspx?RootFolder=%2Fcss%2Fdocs%2FCSS%2DSM%2FMeeting%20Materials%2F2022%2FTelecons&FolderCTID=0x012000A2CFA608DF169C4EB988261660CEFAEB&View=%7BD853EDDB%2DF007%2D4BF6%2D8C31%2DBA03A9D0F4A4%7D<https://gcc02.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fcwe.ccsds.org%2Fcss%2Fdocs%2FForms%2FAllItems.aspx%3FRootFolder%3D%252Fcss%252Fdocs%252FCSS-SM%252FMeeting%2520Materials%252F2022%252FTelecons%26FolderCTID%3D0x012000A2CFA608DF169C4EB988261660CEFAEB%26View%3D%257BD853EDDB-F007-4BF6-8C31-BA03A9D0F4A4%257D&data=04%7C01%7Cwesley.m.eddy%40nasa.gov%7Cfc2f8b9520ad49b4a1e508d9d634ae73%7C7005d45845be48ae8140d43da96dd17b%7C0%7C0%7C637776344750566685%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C2000&sdata=w3S1WrRklJvRWcO0f7mM8S9xddXM51qsNnt69HOVvG0%3D&reserved=0> )

Also attached is the updated action item list which has also been posted to the action item folder in the CWE private space.

Our next telecon is scheduled for February 1.

Best regards,


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