[cssm] UML Model now in CSS Area Github

Barkley, Erik J (US 3970) erik.j.barkley at jpl.nasa.gov
Wed Aug 3 00:15:37 UTC 2022

CSSM Colleagues,

A quick note to let you know that the UML model for the CSSM recommendations has been put into a private CSS area GitHub repository (CSSAreaGH/UML-Model) . I don't think anybody will be checking this out soon to work on it so I propose to go over this at the August 9 teleconference. Nonetheless if somebody would like to create a branch, etc. please do not hesitate to let me know and you can be added as a contributor* to work on the UML Model.

Best regards,

*I will need to know your github username or email address you use for your github account
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