[cssm] AWS Ground Station documentation

Barkley, Erik J (US 3970) erik.j.barkley at jpl.nasa.gov
Wed Dec 1 16:22:41 UTC 2021

CSSM Colleagues,

Following up from yesterday's teleconference, in particular with regard to management service, here is a link to the publicly available documentation on AWS Ground Station:  https://docs.aws.amazon.com/ground-station/

In relation to our conversation yesterday you will find a reference to the AWS GS APIs as well as a user guide and documentation on command line interface. For those of you familiar with the now Silver book on service management you might find the list of APIs "interesting" - there are things for canceling a contact, creation of configuration profiles, retrieval of profiles etc. There are also of course some AWS specific APIs as well as documentation on the datatypes involved.  I think taking a look at this could prove to be a good source of input as we determine what management service for CCSDS looks like -- especially so as I see definite parallels from the earlier service management Silver book albeit in more web services contemporary form.

Best regards,
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