[cssm] Updated AED & CDE recommendations

Colin.Haddow at esa.int Colin.Haddow at esa.int
Fri Nov 6 16:35:18 UTC 2020

Hi Erik,
               okay I've gone through the changes to the AED and CDE with 
the following results;

AED     no changes and no changes to uml model or schema required
CDE     updates as follows;
 table 3-7, changed type of planningInfoTypelist to array of xsd:strings 
as agreed, update to UML model (and hence Fig 3-4) and schema 
(902x12m1-SmCmnEnt-CmnClss.xsd) to reflect this
figure 3-5 corrected to be the right figure from the model (its now the 
ModresParm class diagram instead of the AbstractParameter, finger trouble 
on my part)
schema 902x12m1-SmCmnEnt-AbsEvnt.xsd corrected to be consistent with UML 
Model, i.e. in srvMgtAbstractEvent class the type of 'type'was changed to 
xsd:string from enumeration.

This has some knock on effects into the Comms Planning Info. I've updated 
the schema and model to take this into account, but the book will also 
need some minor tweaks. I've not done this yest as I think you've 
currently got th edit token for the CPIF.

Anyway updates can be found at the following URLs;


Schema Snapshot 

UML Model Snapshot      

Let me know if you're okay with the updates and then I'll send the AED and 
CDE schemas to SANA for upload and produce the PDF version of the UML 
model for Tom.

Cheers for now,


Dr. Colin R. Haddow,
HSO-GI, European Space Agency,
European Space Operations Centre,
Robert-Bosch-Str 5,
64293 Darmstadt,

Phone; +49 6151 90 2896
Fax;      +49 6151 90 3010
E-Mail;  colin.haddow at esa.int

From:   "Barkley, Erik J (US 3970)" <erik.j.barkley at jpl.nasa.gov>
To:     "Colin.Haddow at esa.int" <Colin.Haddow at esa.int>
Cc:     "CCSDS Service Mgmt WG" <smwg at mailman.ccsds.org>
Date:   29/10/2020 01:06
Subject:        Updated AED & CDE recommendations

Dear Colin,
Following up from today?s CSSM meeting, I have done the editing that we 
discussed for the AED and CDE, and these have been uploaded to the CWE:


Best regards,

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