[cssm] Concept for SACP Book - Updated

Barkley, Erik J (US 3970) erik.j.barkley at jpl.nasa.gov
Tue Dec 1 23:58:38 UTC 2020

Dear Marcin,

I finally had a moment to complete looking at the draft SACP concept paper.  My comments are in the attached file. Please note that these are comments to the October 28 version of the paper and not the latest that you recently sent out. (I had started working on this back on 2 November and decided it would be better just to complete my comments on that version - taking a quick scan of the update I think the comments in the attached will still be mostly useful).  In general, I think all of the ideas that we have discussed so far are captured in the concept paper and it is really more just a matter of tuning. I look forward to discussing this at the teleconference tomorrow.

Best regards,

From: SMWG <smwg-bounces at mailman.ccsds.org> On Behalf Of Marcin.Gnat at dlr.de
Sent: Wednesday, October 28, 2020 8:54
To: smwg at mailman.ccsds.org
Subject: [EXTERNAL] [cssm] Concept for SACP Book - Updated

Dear All,

Please see attached concept paper for the SACP BB Project. I tried to alter it according to the newest developments.
I'm happy however about your comments / suggestions.

Btw. I will set up some more examples based on latest version of Schema and send them around, I think this will be very helpful as well. Give me some time for that however....

Best Regards
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