[Smwg] Latest action item list - 08-May-2018

Barkley, Erik J (3970) erik.j.barkley at jpl.nasa.gov
Wed May 9 01:11:51 UTC 2018

CSSM Colleagues,

The action item list as a result of today's teleconference/WebEx is attached and has been uploaded at the URL below.

Following up from my earlier comments, I spent a few moments today revising the general structure of the spreadsheet and I believe generally simplifying it and making it more straightforward. In essence you will find that there is just one tab to the spreadsheet with a few columns added and data normalized to be able to sort on any column as you desire. The spreadsheet attached/uploaded is filtered for only open action items (but you can change that if you wish).   Hopefully this will be easy to read and suit the collective needs of the working group in terms of easily filtering/sorting the action items.

Best regards,

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