[Smwg] Telecon, Webex reminder for Tuesday, August 8th

Barkley, Erik J (3970) erik.j.barkley at jpl.nasa.gov
Tue Aug 8 00:11:31 UTC 2017

CSSM Colleagues,

A reminder that our next telecon is scheduled for Tuesday, August 8th.

The proposed agenda is:

1)     General Updates
2)     Disposition of deferred SSF R2 RIDs
3)     Action Items Status
4)     PIF Development (File Structure, Mars Coordination input)
5)     Follow-up re TGFT inputs (but it appears that C. Ciocirlan cannot join us)
6)     Comments/input re simplified configuration profile tech note (but neither M. Gnat or J. Pietras will be able to join us)
7)     AOB

Best regards,
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