[Smwg] FW: CSSM Actions due by the next Face-To-Face Meeting in Rome

Tuttle, Karen L. (GRC-MSI0) karen.l.tuttle at nasa.gov
Thu Oct 6 03:19:16 UTC 2016

My apologies if you received this twice. Email issues...
From: Tuttle, Karen L. (GRC-MSI0)
Sent: Wednesday, October 05, 2016 10:16 PM
To: CCSDS SMWG ML (smwg at mailman.ccsds.org)
Subject: CSSM Actions due by the next Face-To-Face Meeting in Rome

Dear CSSM Colleagues,

The action item list has been updated from today’s telecon. The list is attached and has been uploaded onto the CWE. The following actions are due by our next face-to-face meeting in Rome. Looking forward to seeing you all again.

AI#     Action  Assignee        Due Date
2016-0408-19    Update strawman Service Catalog based on Cleveland meetings input       HK      31-Aug-16
2016-0408-1     Update SoS with overview diagram that was produced by Marcin    EB      10-Sep-16
2016-0408-7     Service Package Result draft write-up   JPC     5-Oct-16
2015-0323-1     Prepare a response to DDor WG to mesh their needs into the CSSM Service Request         EB, JPC 18-Oct-16
2016-0408-8     Look at draft Planning Information Prototype test plan and provide comments/ review     EB, CH  18-Oct-16
2016-0408-12    Develop Service profiles for SA/CP Development  AC JVP  18-Oct-16
2016-0408-14    Provide recommendation as to example profiles to mock-up based on IOAG modulation recommendations       EB      18-Oct-16
2016-0408-17    Develop examples of event sequences based on concept being worked in DSN with regard to relacing the (current) temporal aspects of the CP       EB      18-Oct-16
2016-0408-20    Revise Concept Book Updates per comments from Cleveland Mtg.    EB      18-Oct-16
2016-0408-23    Look into different "delete" semantics and report back to WG (SMURF)    CH      18-Oct-16
2016-0408-26    Further develop an updated CWE directory structure and implement        KT      18-Oct-16
2016-0408-30    Update inter-recommendation tracking spreadsheet based on Cleveland meeting     EB, KT  18-Oct-16
2016-0408-9     Secure PIF prototyping resources        CH, EB  21-Oct-16
2016-0408-10    Revise draft SMURF      CH      21-Oct-16
See you soon,
Karen L. Tuttle
NASA Glenn ISS Payload Operations Center, Project Manager
216 433-5297 (Office)
216 308-6922 (Work Cell)

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