[Smwg] Updated CSSM Actions from the 10 May 16 Telecon

Tuttle, Karen L. (GRC-MSI0) karen.l.tuttle at nasa.gov
Tue May 17 00:43:22 UTC 2016

Dear CSSM Colleagues,

The updated action items list has been uploaded to the CWE Private/Actions folder and is attached. The following actions are due by our next telecom on 7 June.

AI#     Action  Assignee        Due Date
2016-0408-27    Update XML Schema for Planning Book based on input from Cleveland Meeting       UMW, JVP        2-May-16
2016-0408-21    Go through and identify the info entities given latest developments and proposed info entities to working group EB      17-May-16
2016-0408-14    Provide recommendation as to example profiles to mock-up based on IOAG modulation recommendations       EB      27-May-16
2016-0408-17    Develop examples of event sequences based on concept being worked in DSN with regard to relacing the (current) temporal aspects of the CP       EB      27-May-16
2016-0408-24    Change title and references of Planning Data Format to Planning Information Format      CH, KT, GN      30-May-16
2016-0408-25    Add that all of the other success criteria are conducted in the context of a realistic/real-world use case to the PIF test plan KT, GN  30-May-16
2016-0119-1     Update SoS to include the RMP yellow book reference     EB      1-Jun-16
2016-0408-1     Update SoS with overview diagram that was produced by Marcin    EB      1-Jun-16
2016-0408-2     Tweek/update SoS registry text, including SANA URLs     EB      1-Jun-16
2016-0408-3     Check SoS Annex A for proper list of information entities       EB      1-Jun-16
2016-0408-26    Further develop an updated CWE directory structure and implement        KT      7-Jun-16

Karen L. Tuttle
216 308-6922 (Work Cell)

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