[Smwg] CSS Area Dinner

Barkley, Erik J (3970) erik.j.barkley at jpl.nasa.gov
Wed Apr 6 21:53:22 UTC 2016

CSTS and CSSM WG Colleagues,

For those in attendance at the Cleveland meetings, below are the details for the CSS Area diner tomorrow night.  Based on the show of hands at the plenary this morning we are below the limit for the number of attendees on the reservation.  Please do not hesitate to let me and Karen know if you have changed your mind and would like to attend, or conversely if you will no longer be attending.

Best regards,

From: Tuttle, Karen L. (GRC-MSC0) [mailto:karen.l.tuttle at nasa.gov]
Sent: Wednesday, April 06, 2016 11:02 AM
To: Barkley, Erik J (3970) <erik.j.barkley at jpl.nasa.gov>
Subject: CSS Area Dinner

A reservation for 20 has been made at Ristorante Chinatos for Thursday evening, April 7th at 7:30pm. The reservation is under Karen Tuttle.

Address: 2079 E. 4th St., Cleveland OH, 44115

Restaurant Homepage: http://chinatocleveland.com

Restaurant Menu: http://chinatocleveland.com/menu/

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