[Smwg] CSSM WG Updated Action Items

Tuttle, Karen L. (GRC-MSC0) karen.l.tuttle at nasa.gov
Mon Jan 26 13:18:43 UTC 2015

CSSMWG colleagues ---

(My apology! This has been stuck in my outbox since just after the last telecom.)

I have captured the actions from Erik's minutes from the last telecom in the attached Action Item list but some of the new ones didn't have due dates. I assigned the next telecom as the due date. If the date is not correct, let me know.

The latest action item list is attached and can also be found on the CWE at URL: http://cwe.ccsds.org/css/docs/Forms/AllItems.aspx?RootFolder=%2Fcss%2Fdocs%2FCSS%2DSM%2FCWE%20Private%2FAction%20Items&FolderCTID=0x012000A2CFA608DF169C4EB988261660CEFAEB&View=%7B8045374D-F8E0-4356-83CA-993252A38FE8%7D

The following Actions are due on or before our next telecom tomorrow:

AI #    Action  Assignee        Due Date
2014-1209-3     Update the revised the antenna free-time diagram re “network” term as determined by C. Haddow   MG      16-Jan-15
2011-0520-06    State policy for schema maintenance regarding SANA and provide writeup of policy. Provide initial input by 13 May.      EB      27-Jan-15
2014-0826-03    Talk with appropriate agency representatives and provide inputs with respect to radio frequency interference (RFI), data volume/data rate estimation, and cost estimate data inputs for consideration in the draft Planning Information recommendation  ALL     27-Jan-15
2014-1112-02    Provide examples of recurrent requests for your agency  MG, CC, MU      27-Jan-15
2014-1113-01    Produce a graphical model based on the green book planning request      EB      27-Jan-15
2014-1114-03    Define the remaining event definitions for the planning data format     All     27-Jan-15
2014-1114-04    Check communition geometry events for the planning data format  All     27-Jan-15
2014-1114-11    List of questions for the Generic File Transfer preliminary draft       CH      27-Jan-15
2015-0113-1     Provide exact report section reference to close out response for consolidated RID CSSM-050      JPC     27-Jan-15
2015-0113-2     Look at the two SoS versions, R1 for agency review and current updated book, and render an opinion as to the need for prototyping       EB      27-Jan-15
2015-0113-3     Produce the 902.x numbers for the suite of SM books given that .1 is SoS, .2 is Planning Information and .3 is the Trajectory Predictions BBs, with all subsequent numbers based on the roadmap order per the GB        MG      27-Jan-15
2015-0113-4     Add tab for book numbers in inter-recommendation spreadsheet    KT      27-Jan-15
2015-0113-5     Review Erik's standard header vs information entities analysis spreadsheet and provide comments All     27-Jan-15
2015-0113-6     Review and provide comments on schema namespace charts prepared by JVP  All     27-Jan-15

Karen L. Tuttle
NASA GRC Space Communications & Navigation (SCaN) Standards Manager
216 308-6922 (Cell)

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