[Smwg] Planning Data Formats Book - Need for a "Simple Service Request"
Chamoun, Jean-Pierre (GSFC-458.0)[SGT INC]
jean-pierre.chamoun at nasa.gov
Thu Feb 5 17:11:24 UTC 2015
A quick question: when you say a Simple "Service" Request do you mean
1- A service as in what would be requested via a Service Package
2- Or do you mean a request for planning data (as a service)?
If it is #2 then I understand why you would add this to the Planning Data
If it is #2 then I feel that this input can be used to structure the
Service Package Request to have a minimally required structure that fits
this "Simple Service Request" (for example), but I don't see how it would
fit in the Planning Data book.
Can you clarify?
Best regards,
Jean-Pierre Chamoun
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Space Network Ground System Sustainment (SGSS)
Code 458 Building 12 Room N204
Greenbelt, Maryland 20771
Tel: 301-286-5053
email: jean-pierre.chamoun at nasa.gov
On 2/5/15 12:02 PM, "Colin.Haddow at esa.int" <Colin.Haddow at esa.int> wrote:
>Dear all,
> I've been having some discussions here at ESOC with our
>scheduling guys and one of the real world issues that they are having to
>with is the need for a standard "Simple Service Request". This has
>arisen in
>dealings with both a commercial organisation and an international
>partner. In
>view of this I'd like to discuss the possibility of adding such a "Simple
>Service Request" to the Planning Data Formats Book. I've got a few ideas
>our discussion here and would be happy to discuss these at the next WebEx
>there is room on the agenda.
>Essentially what is required is the ability to submit a service request
>for a
>specified time period, station and antenna along with reference to a
>configuration profile and possible (permitted) updates to some of the
>configuration profile parameters. Three operations would be supported
>NEW - submit a new request,
>REPLACE - replace an existing request
>DELETE - delete an existing request.
>An initial pass at a UML model is attached below.
>I'd appreciate your feedback on whether you think that this is a useful
>addition to the Planning Data Formats.
>Cheers for now,
>(Embedded image moved to file: pic23856.gif)
>Dr. Colin R. Haddow,
>HSO-GI, European Space Agency,
>European Space Operations Centre,
>Robert-Bosch-Str 5,
>64293 Darmstadt,
>Phone; +49 6151 90 2896
>Fax; +49 6151 90 3010
>E-Mail; colin.haddow at esa.int
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