[Smwg] Updated CSSM Actions from the 08-Dec-15 Telecon

Tuttle, Karen L. (GRC-MSC0) karen.l.tuttle at nasa.gov
Wed Dec 9 01:09:16 UTC 2015

Dear CSSM Colleagues,

The updated action items list has been uploaded to the CWE Private/Actions folder and is attached.

Just when you thought you were going to have some time off during the holidays…the following actions are due by the next telecom on Jan 19 :-)

AI#     Action  Assignee        Due Date
2015-1112-6     Update DDOR CSSM service package mapping based on latest service request definitions    JPC     4-Dec-15
2015-1112-2     Update the Concept Book for the revision of the service management request      EB      18-Dec-15
2015-1112-8     Develop Service Package result draft write-up   MG,JPC  18-Jan-16
2015-1112-24    Coordinate with SEA re: definition of Svc Site & Aperture registry      EB      18-Jan-16
2014-0603-02    Provide write up on metadata for delta dor use case re: service package and service request     EB      19-Jan-16
2015-0323-1     Prepare a response to DDor WG to mesh their needs into the CSSM Service Request         EB, JPC 19-Jan-16
2015-0327-11    Analyze DDOR service request and indicate mapping to CSSM re: abstract service request  EB, JPC 19-Jan-16
2015-1112-4     Update highly abstract model re:management service considerations       EB      19-Jan-16
2015-1112-12    Make changes discussed at Darmstadt and make materal available for inclusion in the SM Request Book     JR      19-Jan-16
2015-1112-19    Abstract B1 management service  EB      19-Jan-16
2015-1208-1     Determine how to define the return Trajectory Prediction format as a result of the TP request (the information entities, XML format, header, etc.)      EB, CH, JVP, JR 19-Jan-16
2015-1208-2     Follow up with Marc Blanchet to determine the timeline for the SANA registries creation.        EB      19-Jan-16
2015-1208-3     Review SMURF White book in preparation for review       All     19-Jan-16
2015-1208-4     Review the Planning Data Format White book and provide comments to CH.  All     19-Jan-16

Happy Holidays!
Karen L. Tuttle
216 308-6922 (Work Cell)

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