[Smwg] Updated CSSM Action Items List 4-Nov-14

Tuttle, Karen L. (GRC-MSC0) karen.l.tuttle at nasa.gov
Thu Nov 6 14:42:26 UTC 2014

CSSMWG colleagues ---

The action item list has been updated from our last telecom and is attached. No new actions were captured from our last telecom.

The list can also be found on the CWE at URL: http://cwe.ccsds.org/css/docs/Forms/AllItems.aspx?RootFolder=%2Fcss%2Fdocs%2FCSS%2DSM%2FCWE%20Private%2FAction%20Items&FolderCTID=0x012000A2CFA608DF169C4EB988261660CEFAEB&View=%7B8045374D-F8E0-4356-83CA-993252A38FE8%7D

The following Actions are due during our meeting in London on Nov 10th:

AI #    Action  Assignee        Due Date
2014-0826-03    Talk with appropriate agency representatives and provide inputs with respect to radio frequency interference (RFI), data volume/data rate estimation, and cost estimate data inputs for consideration in the draft Planning Information recommendation  All     16-Oct-14
2013-1028-03    Coordinate Service planning information with MOIMS SM&C and SIS DTN     EB      31-Oct-14
2013-0415-14    Produce draft outline of event sequence book    PP/EB   4-Nov-14
2011-0520-06    State policy for schema maintenance regarding SANA and provide writeup of policy. Provide initial input by 13 May.      EB      10-Nov-14
2014-0401-01    Provide the key reporting metrics or statistical characterizations, with definitions that are reported for each Agency’s networks’ service accounting for the customer (as it relates to the Service Package/Service agreement and recommendations for other metrics reported out weekly/monthly, etc). EB, MG, JPC,
MU, JR (CNES)   10-Nov-14
2014-0402-05    Service Package Request management component writeup    EB      10-Nov-14
2014-0402-18    Trajectory Prediction Draft white Book (Outline)        Jessica R       10-Nov-14
2014-0624-01    Propose namespace architecture for CSSA schemas within CCSDS namespace  JP, AC  10-Nov-14
2014-0402-16    Planning Information - Complete draft white book including request      CH      12-Nov-14
2014-0402-11    Simple Schedule of Services RID Processing      CH      14-Nov-14

I'm looking forward to seeing all of you at our meeting,
Karen L. Tuttle
NASA GRC Space Communications & Navigation (SCaN) Standards Manager
216 308-6922 (Cell)

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