[Smwg] Telecon reminder, proposed agenda

Chamoun, Jean-Pierre (GSFC-458.0)[SGT INC] jean-pierre.chamoun at nasa.gov
Wed Aug 13 14:44:21 UTC 2014

My comments for the agenda items:

Simple schedule & test report:

  *   The test and test report seem adequate to prove the usability of the proposed format.  My only comment is that using the SN as an example of a simple schedule of services (not just an example of unused time) would be useful.

  *   The simple schedule does not include service package status (does it?) but it would seem necessary at least for tentative SP.  Or state that only confirmed SP are included but this might be limiting.

Service type seems very specific.  What about science data service that are not not offline telemetry? Should Service type be more generic like , return, forward, etc?  Or we can just add science to the enum list.

  *   Did we consider making simple schedule just and abstraction or high level structure of the Service Package set?  This way a mission can select how much or how little of a service package to include in the schedule.  This would allow for a single implementation by the provider/user for a schedule of services that can be more or less complex as needed.

Trajectory Prediction:

  *   From Erik, Existing trajectory and new trajectory are associated with apply new trajectory of the service package -> could be omitted
  *   From Erik, trajectory prediction should include Extensible formats
  *   From Erik, trajectory prediction should include Extensible usage
     *   From Erik - Is the this trajectory an extension, or new, or?  May not be needed but could be.
        *   JPC – This may be handled by the versioning discussion we had.
     *   From Erik - Multiple relative trajectories used to specify the service trajectories (how)
  *   JPC - Should trajectories including discontinuities (e.g. Maneuvers) be identified at the higher level of the structure or in the data. Does it matter if trajectories with maneuvers are  provided as extension or separate trajectories?  Because maneuvers may not always take place, should we guide users to submit them as separate trajectories so that they can be more easily retracted by using the replace trajectory?


  *   The Event Auxiliary Data in Fig.4-1 has a list of very specific parameters but is not comprehensive(?)
  *   Table 4-2: Should relative event times be supported?  (e.g to orbit start or other events?)
  *   Table 4-3: recommend creating a column for optional/mandatory (in addition to or instead of  including it in the description)
  *   Table 4-3: Does event angle and event distance need reference points identified in a separate parameter?  Seems ambiguous.
  *   Table 4-3: I don’t think event duration should be combined with OWLT, since they are not necessarily related.
  *   Is celestial body related to the orbit #?  I.e., is this orbit around this celestial body?  May be confusing.  Consider renaming?
  *   May want to consider adding an optional "relative to" attribute to every parameter object? (e.g. Table 4-4)
  *   Table 4-5.  We may want to think about generic name for the antenna site providing the service to the user.  Ground station is specific to ground based networks but not for space based relays.  How about "network [service] antenna"?
  *   Table 4-5:  AOS/LOS may need to be clarified to be the start/end of service, not just the expected Acquisition times.  Similarly, Coms Start/End could be clarified as start and stop of line of sight [?] or usable line of sight[?] to the ground station.
  *   Table 4-5: what about adding a parameter to identify if it is a full occultation or tentative or partial/intermittent?  This way these parameters could be used for any events that other completely inhibit a signal or partially (not just line of sight blockage)?  We could also just create a separate set of par maters since occultation is widely popular already for a very specific event.

Jean-Pierre Chamoun
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Space Network Ground System Sustainment (SGSS)
Code 458 Building 12 Room N204
Greenbelt, Maryland  20771

Tel: 301-286-5053
email: jean-pierre.chamoun at nasa.gov

From: <Barkley>, "Erik J (3970)" <erik.j.barkley at jpl.nasa.gov<mailto:erik.j.barkley at jpl.nasa.gov>>
Date: Tuesday, August 12, 2014 6:51 PM
To: CCSDS Service Mgmt WG <smwg at mailman.ccsds.org<mailto:smwg at mailman.ccsds.org>>
Subject: [Smwg] Telecon reminder, proposed agenda

CSSM Colleagues,

A reminder that our next teleconference/Webex is scheduled for Wednesday, August 13th.    The proposed agenda is:

  1.  Action Items review
  2.  WG inputs re schedule of services test report
  3.  Updates/progress reports on CESG poll condition removals

  1.  Inputs, if any on service component terminology

  1.  Review/discuss of trajectory prediction extensibility model
  2.  Review/discuss inter-recommendations concerns/approach
  3.  Further discussion on service package request components (left over from last telecom)
  4.  Update on planning information draft, if any
  5.  Update on GFT concept, if any
  6.  Planning for London Meetings
  7.  Other Items you would like to address

Best regards,


-----Original Appointment-----
From: Colin Haddow/esoc/ESA [mailto:Colin.Haddow at esa.int]
Sent: Wednesday, April 02, 2014 7:56 AM
To: Colin Haddow/esoc/ESA; smwg at mailman.ccsds.org<mailto:smwg at mailman.ccsds.org>
Subject: [Smwg] Rescheduled: CSSM WebEx (13 Aug 16:30 CEDT)
When: Wednesday, August 13, 2014 4:30 PM-6:30 PM W. Europe.

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