[SLS] SLS Area Review of CCSDS 130.0-G-3 Overview of Space Comm Protocol Green Book

Kazz, Greg J (US 312B) greg.j.kazz at jpl.nasa.gov
Tue Jun 9 17:43:13 UTC 2020

Dear SLS area,

Since CCSDS 130.0-G-3 Overview of Space Comm Protocol Green Book touches on many protocols within our area, I’ve been asked by Gian Paolo our AD to solicit your comments on it from the various Working Groups in SLS. The SLP WG has updated the document with the help of the SIS area with respect to the “upper layer” protocols and the SLP WG has also modified sections in response to the updates to the data link layer protocols, Space Packet Protocol and Encapsulation Packet Protocol. To the best of our knowledge, we have also updated references to the Coding & Synchronization sublayer where needed.

Please provide me with any comments you may have by June 23 otherwise I will assume you have none to contribute.

The URL which contains both the word and PDF versions of the SLP WG’s current version of CCSDS 130.0-G-3 is in the URL below:

The current filename contains the date: 20200609 i.e., currently the last files in the directory.

Thanks and best regards,

Greg Kazz
Principal Engineer
Technical Group Supervisor,
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
4800 Oak Grove Dr., M/S 301-490
Pasadena, CA 91109
1+(818)393 6529(voice)
1+(818)393 6871(fax)
email: greg.j.kazz at jpl.nasa.gov

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