[SLS] IT support issues - [CESG] CESG 2016 webex #2: Draft Notes16th March 2016

Gian.Paolo.Calzolari at esa.int Gian.Paolo.Calzolari at esa.int
Thu Mar 17 16:14:41 UTC 2016

Dear All,
        please be aware that ADs/DADs have been asked to prepare a chart 
(per Area) including IT support issues to be discussed with Brian Oliver 
during the CESG meeting (11th April pm) .
Your input before and at the SLS Plenary will be appreciated.

Agenda is updated accordingly as per attachment.


Gian Paolo

----- Forwarded by Gian Paolo Calzolari/esoc/ESA on 17/03/2016 17:03 -----

From:   Nestor.Peccia at esa.int
To:     "CCSDS Engineering Steering Group - CESG 
Exec\(cesg at mailman.ccsds.org\)" <cesg at mailman.ccsds.org>
Date:   16/03/2016 17:42
Subject:        [CESG] CESG 2016 webex #2: Draft Notes16th March 2016
Sent by:        cesg-bounces at mailman.ccsds.org

Dear all, 
Draft notes attached. Comments by Friday 18th April cob 
Actions status 
CMC-A-2014-11-01 Peter Shames was requested to draft a formal memorandum 
from CCSDS to ISO/TC 20/SC14 (Space Systems and Operations) to describe 
the coordination needed on RASDS. Ensure that SC13 is referenced in the 
draft memorandum. 
Action: Peter Shames Due Date: Spring 2016 CMC Meeting   Status: Open 
Document queue status 
CCSDS 766.2-R-0, Voice and Audio Communications (Proposed Red Book for 
Agency Review) Poll issued 
CCSDS 911.1-B-3.1, Space Link Extension?Return All Frames Service 
Specification (Draft Blue Book) Poll to be issued soon 
CCSDS 911.2-B-2.1, Space Link Extension?Return Channel Frames Service 
Specification (Draft Blue Book) Poll to be issued soon 
CCSDS 911.5-B-2.1, Space Link Extension?Return Operational Control Fields 
Service Specification (Draft Blue Book) Poll to be issued soon 
CCSDS 912.1-B-3.1, Space Link Extension?Forward CLTU Service Specification 
(Draft Blue Book) Poll to be issued soon 
CCSDS 912.3-B-2.1, Space Link Extension?Forward Space Packet Service 
Specification (Draft Blue Book) Poll to be issued soon 
CCSDS 130.12-G-0, CCSDS Protocols over DVB-S2?Summary of Definition, 
Implementation and Performance (Draft Green Book) It will be ready by end 
Feb 2016 
CCSDS 651.2-G-0, Producer-Archive Interface Specification (PAIS)?A 
Tutorial (Draft Green Book) To be done once the books mentioned above are 
CCSDS 902.1-B-0, Simple Schedule Format Specification (Draft Blue Book) 
PS/EB will update the book together with SANA 
CCSDS 727.0-B-4.1, CCSDS File Delivery Protocol (CFDP) (Draft Blue Book) 
Interoperability Testing Waiting for ESA Proto activity 
CCSDS 313.0-Y-1.1, Space Assigned Numbers Authority (SANA)?Role, 
Responsibilities, Policies, and Procedures (Draft Yellow Book) waiting for 
conditions to be solved 
CCSDS 313.1-Y-0.1, CCSDS SANA Registry Management Policy (Draft Yellow 
Book) waiting for conditions to be solved 
CCSDS 313.2-Y-0, Procedures for SANA Registry Specification (Draft Yellow 
Book) waiting for conditions to be solved 
Polls with conditions not yet resolved 
All 3 SANA books conditions have been solved.Updated books were passed by 
PS to TG 
Project Resource Table - Missing Proto 2 resources 
Following Projects (to be completed in 2016-2017) are missing Proto 2 
1.      Attitude Data Message (ADM) 5 Year Review Revision 
2.      Navigation Hardware Message 
3.      Pointing Requests Message 
4.      Spacecraft Maneuver Message (SMM)   
5.      Telerobotic Standard 
6.      Mission Operations - Message Abstraction Layer Binding to HTTP 
Transport and XML Encoding 
7.      Mission Operations - Message Abstraction Layer Binding to TCP/IP 
Transport and Split Binary Encoding 
8.      Mission Operations - Message Abstraction Layer Binding to ZeroMQ 
Transport and CNES Binary Encoding 
9.      Mission Operations - Mission Data Product Distribution Services 
SIS Area 
1.      Bundle Security Protocol for CCSDS
CWE Projects behind schedule 
2 DAI, 3 SM&C, 1 CSTS, 2 APP WG Projects are behind schedule. They have to 
be updated during the next Technical meeting at Cleveland 
ICPA Status 
IOAG updated its need date for the following Projects (i.e. aligning them 
to current CCSDS publication dates) 
1.      SM file Transfer 
2.      CSTS Monitored Data 
3.      DTN BSP
CESG ? IT Support Face to face meeting on 11th April 2016 - Preparation. 
ADs/DADs to prepare a chart including IT support issues to be discussed 
with Brian Oliver during the CESG meeting (11th April pm) 
CESG Agenda points for meeting on 11th April 
1.      Area presentations(am) 
2.      Updated IOAG Service Catalogue 1 
3.      IOAG Preferred Coding and Modulation Schemes 
4.      Secretariat Resources 
5.      IT Support - CESG face-to-face meeting 
6.      Registry Creation (EB) 
7.      Could interoperability Test (GM)
DAI WG decided to exceptionally not to meet at Cleveland, but there will 
be an US DAI meeting at GSFC (with the majority of participants living 
close to Goddard) after the talk from Vint Cerf on long term data 
Telerobotics WG will not meet. D. Mittman has changed work and will not 
support anymore the activity. GB is in final status except the DLR RIDs. A 
way forward will be to implement the simple RIDs and leave the most 
complicated ones for a second issue 
SEA SAWG cross area meeting with SOIS and MOIMS is planned on Friday 8th 
April 10:30 - 12:30 hrs
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